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CS question

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  • CS question

    Hi does someone know what i am doing wrong ?

    just wanted to do a short animation with CS.

    so i posed my bip in a god position with figure mode, and applied a smal standart wark as a start off. but allways i do so, my bip switches back to an upstand position. is this usual ? how can i use footstep mode this way ?

    figure mode

    after aplying footsteps


  • #2
    My advice would be to forget CS and download the Demo of CAT.

    You'll never touch CS again.

    Vu Nguyen


    • #3
      what are the limitations of cats demo? 30 day trial? limited options?

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        Hi there,

        I would also suggest using CAT. The limitiation of the demo is that you only
        can have one character in the scene, and you can´t save presets.

        The problem with the scene above.

        The figure mode is just for skinning and describes your initial pose.
        Actually i don´t know the best way to mix a pose with a walkcycle.
        You could animate (position) the figure after you applied the footsteps or
        you could use the motion mixer to mix a saved bip file (pose) with a saved


        • #5
          Figure mode is for skinning characters, it's a zero pose you use when applying physique to a mesh. This is the way it is supposed to work. If you want to keep the pose, get out of figure mode , select all the mesh parts of the biped and right click on the time slider to apply keyframes at the frame number you want them. Then start animating.
          Two heads are better than one ...
          ....but some head is better than none.....


          • #6
            Hi thanks mike

            i´ll try this.



            • #7
              I think the last suggestion will only work with manual animation and not footsteps though.



              • #8
                You are right J-Bug

                this way it works well for Keyframeanimation. I can load bip files , and the character stays overal in its positon, but i dont get footsteps.

                also converting to footsteps afer loading a bip file doesn´t work.

                So does anyone of you know if there´s another way to do the pose i did together with footstep creation. ?

                Well of course i also could do for a short animation keyframing, but i rather would like to create it with footsteps, and with copying and pasting poses, to build up several standart motioncycles to load them into the animaitonmixer

                i also could use standart walkcycle and layers to bring him Back to the wished positon. but this isnt the workflow that i would expect .



                • #9
                  I don't think that you can with Biped. It's very specific to us uprights with its dynamics Everyone's mentioned CAT but there is also another app that may work called Motion Builder.

                  Hmmm, that raises a question now... So birds as well as your dragon have two legs but can they be considered bipeds? Maybe they fall into an entirely different category like aerials or something like that


