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Fstorm render

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  • Sbrusse
    Well I've seen a lot of pretty renders of FStorm and it's a really recent renderer, it hasn't got a big community yet, so if you scale that proportionally to any other renderer out there you will quickly see that the average quality render with FStorm will be higher than the others.
    It's mainly due to the fast workflow IMO, it just works and it's fast to RT with it. I'm not talking about final HQ renders noiseless, therefore, Vray has still the lead with LC being implemented, but who cares when you can just send your still renders overnight on the farm and they are done in the morning, the most important thing for me is the speed at what you work, and the quality it produces with the less input.
    For whatever material that needs to be created, clock in hand, I will mostly be faster in FStorm than Vray. I'm using Vray for 10 years and I've used FStorm for only a couple of days and I'm still not used to the maps and where the settings are. So this only shows how fast the workflow is compared to Vray.

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  • glorybound
    I have yet to really experience the benefits of RT. I upgraded my video card, thinking I could start to use it, but that just hasn't happened. When I tested FStorm, it just worked, so I get that. Yes, the images are good, but not any better than anything else, or are you saying you think that they are?

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  • Sbrusse
    Having worked with both I can say that the RT of FStorm is just way faster than Vray's and thus you work faster and get the result you want way quicker.
    If it was just a filter, well count the time you spend in PS and let me know if that would not be good to pass that time doing something else you'd love to do in stead...

    At the end of the day, even if all my images where looking like these, well that's absolutely fine by me :
    Attached Files

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  • glorybound
    I think engines like FStorm is applying filters automatically, which might frustrate the heck out of some. Although my images are a far cry from some of the work of some of you guys, my images right out of MAX/V-Ray are not anything special. I have to do some work in PS to make things look somewhat good. The things I am doing in PS seems to be, being done inside FStorm automatically. The frustration might come when you might not want that look that is coming out of the software. Or, when all the images start to look the same because everyone is using the same software, which is applying the same filters.

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  • mitviz
    Originally posted by kosso_olli View Post
    Really don't know what this is all about. The artist makes the picture, not his paintbrush. If you feel better with a certain type of paintbrush (ie. FStorm), then use it.
    Well we're not dealing with some old paintbrush here but sophisticated tech softwares, better the software, easier to achieve the goal, to me less time spent on some things will leave me to work on modeling which is what i like most

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  • kosso_olli
    Really don't know what this is all about. The artist makes the picture, not his paintbrush. If you feel better with a certain type of paintbrush (ie. FStorm), then use it.

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  • Sbrusse
    Yes those renders are absolutely amazing

    It's hard to find that good renders in Vray, even in the Vray World group where a lot of renders are already great

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  • mitviz
    on topic now?
    check this out

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    Getting little OT guys...

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  • glorybound
    RT in production cleaned up fast through LC, however, it basically slowed to a halt when it actually started to render. I then went back to V-Ray normally and hit render with the defaults, and it cleaned up just as fast in LC and then kept rendering and got pretty clean pretty fast. Long story short, for me, regular V-Ray is faster.

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  • mitviz
    Originally posted by glorybound View Post
    1 minute with everything default. This is not RT, it's V-Ray Adv, with all defaults. Not to shabby.

    your testing RT or just the scene now?

    I never actually ran RT in production mode, what are the benefits over RT in active shade really?

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  • glorybound
    1 minute with everything default. This is not RT, it's V-Ray Adv, with all defaults. Not to shabby.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	1 min.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	489.2 KB
ID:	862797

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  • glorybound
    I set it as my production render (CUDA) and after 30 seconds, I got this. It was way over exposed, so I used VFB's exposure controls. When it hit render, after LC, it seems to just pause. I see the VFB update 2-3 times, which is what you are seeing below, but it seems there are no progress.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture 2.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	485.3 KB
ID:	862796

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  • M.Max
    Originally posted by glorybound View Post
    Setting to CUDA just sits the VFB on Waiting for image data... and never moves. This has never worked for me.The VFB gets stuck and I have to kill MAX to do anything else.
    I don't think that should happen too with your 980 TI ! Just to make sure you have used VrayRT in production mode and not the Active mode ?! I don't know if that should happen, but I found the active shade to be slow and hard to deal with (GTX 970 here ) but in production mode it works better.

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  • glorybound
    FStorm worked without a hitch. I have used VRay RT CPU for setting up my HDRI's, but that's about the extent of it. My driver is current and yes, I have the NVIDIA Experience installed.

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