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Fstorm render

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  • glorybound
    I purchased this years ago. It was clunky, but he is working on a update.

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  • Neilg
    I've been using video copilot optical flares for a while now, gets super lovely results. Exporting from AE on black and bringing them into my fusion comp as another pass for some extra cc if they need it.

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  • Sbrusse
    I just played with frischluft flair for over a hour and I couldn't make the bloom (FL Volumetrics) or the flare (FL Highlight) any close or as good as FStorm one. I can happily post my raw exr (both linear as I only activated the lens effect in FStorm, not the tonemapping) if you wish.

    I can understand I might need more time to understand all the settings and play with them for hours each to yet "well it works but it's not as good", but once again, the whole purpose of getting those effects in the VFB is to give a easy, efficient and good looking post effect.
    I can try yet another one (Sapphire and pay 1699$ for a permanent license or 499 for a year!) and spend ages again to fiddle with settings to try to get a decent result (if it can deliver) but I would just love so much having Vray getting this sorted out.
    It's not like it's the first time this topic comes on, we saw it with octane/UE4 and now FStorm, the need of a effective, easy and well done/integrated post effect is (for certain user I agree) really needed/important.

    Again, now, I'm still stuck as for still I can use ArionFX and break my entire workflow by going in PS but for animations, I still can't get the results I'm after.

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  • squintnic
    you can also check out sapphire for lens flares / highlights
    much more flexible for animation to use fusion rather than VFB, especially with shots coming from a number of artists

    however i have been doing seperate vray glare passes on black and comping over in post for some animations

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  • Vizioen
    Originally posted by Sbrusse View Post
    I use lenscare for ages (like 10 years) but that's only for dof IMO, maybe I've been using it for years and overlooked it but I don't think it does any glare/bloom/flare effect.

    Lele, I've googled the Flair for AE but I can't find the product you're referring to, can you post a link?
    I'm using "ft-Lens Distortion" ATM but I think it's still not as natural as real lenses.
    It's also from Frischluft:

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  • Sbrusse
    I'll have a look thanks!
    Last edited by Sbrusse; 17-08-2016, 02:33 AM.

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  • AlexP
    Originally posted by joconnell View Post
    D'oh, wrong name! As lele mentioned is their glowy thing. They're lovely plugins.
    Ah I see, will take a look

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  • joconnell
    D'oh, wrong name! As lele mentioned is their glowy thing. They're lovely plugins.

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  • AlexP
    Originally posted by joconnell View Post
    Lenscare by frishluft was the best I saw in terms of natural effects -
    Isnt that just DOF though?

    How about glare/bloom?

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  • ^Lele^
    and Flair for aberration.

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  • joconnell
    Originally posted by Sbrusse View Post
    I can do pretty much everything in post using AE, but one thing that I can't, really, is having a proper lens effect in AE, either for stills and for animations.
    If anyone can show me how to get a proper lens effect that is as "good" (ok super objective, but still) bloom/glare/lens flare for animation out of AE, I'd be really keen.
    And don't tell me I can do a batch script in PS using ArionFX!
    Lenscare by frishluft was the best I saw in terms of natural effects -

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  • joconnell
    Originally posted by mitviz View Post
    i would love to see some examples of those linear images being used in post processing
    Pretty much any film you look at is set up in linear.

    The main reason is if you're breaking apart lighting so it can be adjusted / colour corrected, you want this to happen evenly. If you've got light information where the highlights are softly clipped off and a similar rolloff into the shadows, when you start colour correcting the image the colour correction will affect the mid tones differently from the highs and lows and you'll get really weird results!

    On the large team of chaosgroup, it's apparently not as big as you'd think! They've got 9 different softwares for vray to look after, split that into cpu and gpu teams plus phoenix and vrscans too! Last I heard the team was about 130 people, it might have grown since that but if you divide that by the amount of products they've to develop and support the resources aren't exactly autodesk

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  • Sbrusse
    I think it's fair to asses that nearly the only thing to take out of FStorm is the way it applies those post effects.
    We do have some tonemaping, vignette, LUTs but I think it's fair to say that the lens effect (bloom, glare, lens flare) are lacking a bit of love.

    Although I like having the best output possible out of the VFB although I also understand the importance of post production.

    I can do pretty much everything in post using AE, but one thing that I can't, really, is having a proper lens effect in AE, either for stills and for animations.
    If anyone can show me how to get a proper lens effect that is as "good" (ok super objective, but still) bloom/glare/lens flare for animation out of AE, I'd be really keen.
    And don't tell me I can do a batch script in PS using ArionFX!

    All in all, I think Vray should lvl up the post effect and I think that would sum up and close all those threads I can read over the last couple of years where Octane/UE4/FStorm looks better than Vray.
    It's all about post effect that for the user that really needs them are just not available.
    PS : I would add a CA effect as well by the way, Grant Warwick simulated that by using a lens profile in the Vray Cam but at the expense of higher rendertimes and not "physically" correctness. It just shows one more time there are people who needs those effects.

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  • Sbrusse
    Originally posted by vlado View Post
    You'd be surprised at how many people just do their job, not following forums, news or anything until a colleague comes up and says "look at this cool new thing" Until it becomes an old thing and works well enough that they don't need to constantly look for updates... At which point someone comes along with the next new thing and so on

    Best regards,
    Hahaha, busted I can recognize myself so much in that for the last 8 years

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  • mitviz
    i would love to see some examples of those linear images being used in post processing, i have personally never seen a retoucher work in person, as for the next new thing, its good to try, it can't hurt, vray for many reasons is the top renderer because you can use it on almost any machine with a good enough cpu, even a crappy one but when these new ones pop up they usually have some impact on the existing ones, people see how they work and want it now in their favorite renderer vray, its just logical, we are humans and before vray whatever there was when vray came people were probably saying the same thing about vray but given time its where it is today. so will we ever get the tonemapping options in vray as say a extra menue rollout? if these guys can spit it out in a few weeks or days sure the large chaosgroup team can manage this in a few hours

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