Originally posted by Ivan1982
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Originally posted by Ivan1982
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Originally posted by Ivan1982
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When I mentioned gpu renderers with kids tv shows earlier it wasn't any kind of disregarding of them, it's just that one company I know who does a lot of kids tv shows has to get out a very large amount of renders very quickly and at the cheapest cost possible. Since the show is for 5 year olds they don't care about quality of lighting and materials at all, the animation is also quite rough. The budget for this type of show is low and it's all about volume. For the company to be able to make the show and not lose money, they have to work with cheaper animators and less rendering power so if a gpu renderer is able to get out shots quicker at the quality that is acceptible then it makes financial sense for that company - they won't need to invest in a render farm, I.T. people to manage the render farm or the building space and air conditioning to sit the render farm in

All jobs are totally different with different needs so it just depends on what's the appropriate tool for you, there's no perfect ones for everything at the minute that does everything so you just have to make a choice about which one is the right one for the project you're working on!
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