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replace quadro 5800 by a gtx 1080 on a dell precision 7500.

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  • replace quadro 5800 by a gtx 1080 on a dell precision 7500.

    Hi all,
    Is this possible? And does it works better inviewport?

    Precision spec: bi xeon 5680, 48go ram.....

    thanks by advance.

  • #2
    I'm looking into something similar for my T5600 workstation, but replacing a quadro 5000
    with a GTX 970. One thing I did find out in my searches was that I need to get hold of a
    8 pin power to 2x 6 pin pci splitter cable due to the lack of power supply cables from the
    PSU in the T5600, you might want to check that you don't need to do the same in the 7500.


    • #3
      Thx for the quick reply
      I think I have enough power in my t7500 because the 5800 and the 1080 have almost the same need in energy IMO.
      May be the pin power cable aren't the same indeed.
      Do you think the viewport will be better? I don't use RT


      • #4
        I would imagine the GTX 1080 would slaughter the Quadro 5800, from what I've seen of the Quadro 5000 v GTX 970
        it's the same storey, 970 well outperforms the 5000. I don't use RT so I can't comment on it's performance with that though.


        • #5
          Mmm, fir example in this thread 1080 beat m6000 in autocad 3D performance, but I dunno what this mean, if this is in the viewport or not (I don't use acad a lot)
          What do you think about it?


          • #6
            The maya chart will be more relevant for you to look at.

            It's the best card on the market, yes performance will be better.

