am looking into better compositing, is there anything out there in terms of a tutorial showing the decisions behind something as this done by Alex Roman? he used after effects which i really love because i hate nodes like in fusion or so for now (not used to it) but often when doing post processing on images rather than compositing (which i think is more the term when doing animations) and i setup the render elements its hard to decide what is the correct process to follow, is there a standard of some sort? do you guys use just the beauty pass and add the layers above it or you leave out the beauty pass and use all the elements instead, i know everyone mayb have their own way but is there a general rule for layering these elements and what elements you think alex use in this video for the breakdown, am trying to study these compositions even for stils because it really sets the render apart when all these tones are used. any insight is something i welcome. not sure if i asked all wanted correctly but i would love to have a render and see the layers coming together to give this effect.