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Prevent objects wirecolor to inherit layer color?

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  • Prevent objects wirecolor to inherit layer color?

    Hi all

    If I select a bunch of objects and stick it on a new layer, is there a way to prevent those objects from inheriting the layer's color? (in Max)
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    In the Object Color settings there's a button that says 'By Object' or 'By Layer', toggle that and it should fix it.
    MDI Digital


    • #3
      Haha, so simple. Thanks!
      Kind Regards,


      • #4
        Originally posted by AJ Jefferies View Post
        In the Object Color settings there's a button that says 'By Object' or 'By Layer', toggle that and it should fix it.
        OK no sorry, this doesnt work. I have a million and 1 objects. I select them then create new layer and add them to the new layer. No matter whate setting the object was on, either by object or by layer. As soon as I add the object to a new layer, it inherits the layer's color
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          Try to uncheck this :
          Preference Settings >General > Layer Default >Default to by layer for new Nodes.
          I remember this and many other-Annoying- small things to be checked by default for Max Design .
          Simply, I love to put pixels together! Sounds easy right : ))
          Sketchbook-1 /Sketchbook-2 / Behance / Facebook


          • #6
            Originally posted by M.Max View Post
            Try to uncheck this :
            Preference Settings >General > Layer Default >Default to by layer for new Nodes.
            I remember this and many other-Annoying- small things to be checked by default for Max Design .
            It is already unchecked. I can't seem to get a solution to this
            Kind Regards,


            • #7
              Are you sure you set the "object color" (#1) to 'by object' and not the display (#2) or rendering settings (#3) instead?
              Click image for larger version

Name:	2016-10-17_14-35-39.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	144.4 KB
ID:	863909

              Barring that, maybe this code will fix it for you, save first then select everything you want to move and run it. I often get CAD that is color by layer, I use this to set the object's wirecolors to whatever their current layer's color is, then I can freely move them around unattached from layer color. If you happen to have objects that are being colored with something other than their layercolor though, this would break that.

              for o in selection do
              	o.colorbyLayer = false
              	o.wirecolor = o.layer.wirecolor
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              • #8
                I was using 2 instead of 1. However, by selecting all relevant objects at once and using 1, they all resulted in the same color, which makes sense since you're applying it one shot. Selecting one by one would work, but just too many of them, therefore the script makes sense.

                The script works beautifully, thanks!
                Kind Regards,

