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model bank organization

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  • model bank organization

    curious to know how others organize their models, i have a large amount of models especially my own models that i made but i also have models from 3d sky and evermotion, alof of them i hardly even use and some i get from others, well alot, idk how to arrange them sometimes, usually i have a folder for kitchen stuff, building decore stuff, exterior seating etc but it seems i have too many stuff i just never ever use, how are you guys organizing your models? i also started to put the maps inside the model folder as well as well as put my model and textures for any project in the same project scene folder to avoid relinking bitmaps and just opening a file and it works.
    Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

    i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2

  • #2
    Has anyone bothered with that 3dsmax library thing either?


    • #3
      Originally posted by joconnell View Post
      Has anyone bothered with that 3dsmax library thing either?
      thanks for this, i use design connected connector myself just was wondering how the file structure inside your folders are without using softwares to do it or maybe i should just be doing it with the software, its really a pain, seems i need months to arrange stuff properly
      Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

      i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2


      • #4
        I recently redid my folder structure and organised as follows:
        Model catagory (furniture, landscape, cars, ect) and within that a subfolder from where the models came (own, evermotion, dc, ect). Ive found that I can pretty accurately remember from which vendor a model comes and with main categories means I can quickly find the model I want. For generic textures I have a separate folder again with categories (wood, concrete, ect) but the textures that come with the models I keep in their original maps folder in the models section.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dean_dmoo View Post
          I recently redid my folder structure and organised as follows:
          Model catagory (furniture, landscape, cars, ect) and within that a subfolder from where the models came (own, evermotion, dc, ect). Ive found that I can pretty accurately remember from which vendor a model comes and with main categories means I can quickly find the model I want. For generic textures I have a separate folder again with categories (wood, concrete, ect) but the textures that come with the models I keep in their original maps folder in the models section.
          one important one is do you inside those folder separate models by say most used and lower poly models etc? i find that i tend to these days skip most of the high poly models because they send render times through the roof, especially for trees
          Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

          i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2


          • #6
            A huge web of folders and sub folders and hope that someone remembers where they saw that one chair 6 months ago


            • #7
              I recently redid my folder structure and organised as follows:
              Model catagory (furniture, landscape, cars, ect) and within that a subfolder from where the models came (own, evermotion, dc, ect). Ive found that I can pretty accurately remember from which vendor a model comes and with main categories means I can quickly find the model I want. For generic textures I have a separate folder again with categories (wood, concrete, ect) but the textures that come with the models I keep in their original maps folder in the models section.
              No, but generally you know that based on the collection (so for example I recently bought evermotion trees vol. 163 which are heavy). The issue will be more with custom models, but then I personnally would just add a HD version name to the file. So for example Thonet Chair.max and Thonet Chair HD.max.


              • #8
                Originally posted by dean_dmoo View Post
                No, but generally you know that based on the collection (so for example I recently bought evermotion trees vol. 163 which are heavy). The issue will be more with custom models, but then I personnally would just add a HD version name to the file. So for example Thonet Chair.max and Thonet Chair HD.max.
                issue with that is then you have to go into a folder where its mixed stil high and low poly, i think i will have to basically go that route and start separating them into folders, two separate model banks with all the same categories but just for high and low poly, these days i see too many people using assets in large scenes which dont make sense, one tree up to 4 million polys when a similar tree one say 40,000 looks even better of the same species but then i guess the tree modelers who sell them aren't really thinking too much about it when they make them, thats what i think and searching for them in the same folder really kills time sometimes, maybe this way is better i think, am stil thinking about it before i make the big jump, also for textures, its gonna be months of organizing but it has to be done
                Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

                i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2


                • #9
                  There's quite a lot of things.
                  Recently i liked DesignConnected Connect application (it is free), also i am owner of KStudio Project Manager - it is constantly in development and i really like it as well. Though the only downside of it is that it is still plugin for 3dsmax - not standalone application. Though i'm pretty sure KStudio thinks about that already.
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                  • #10
                    now going through some of these packs i see like for beds for example, the people like cg axis they will include bedside tables in a pack with the beds and then some coffee tables, why do they even do that, its really a pain organizing these stuff
                    Architectural and Product Visualization at MITVIZ

                    i7 5960@4 GHZm, 64 gigs Ram, Geforce gtx 970, Geforce RTX 2080 ti x2

