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Light tents for photoscanning

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  • Light tents for photoscanning

    Does anyone know about small light tents?
    Specifically, we want to try out some photoscanning. Amazon has loads of different light tents, but Im not sure what I should be looking for really. Are they all pretty much the same when it comes down to it?

    We have some lights already from green screen shoots. Not sure how suitable they will be for this, but willing to just try them out at first.

  • #2
    It all depends on what you are trying to photoscan Go for the biggest one you can find as you may want to scan larger objects after a while.
    You don't actually need a light-tent for photo-scanning, just make sure your object is evenly lit and has a green-blue screen behind it for easy isolation

    I tried quite a few software & found Agisoft the best value for money & easiest to use.
    Hope this helps


    • #3
      true but dont forget the colored background will cause huge amount of work when trying to get a nice texture out fo Photoscan for example due to the color bleeding.


      • #4
        I bought one a while ago and it was very difficult to get it to light the box evenly. I would focus on what kind of light they include.


        • #5
          Thanks for the input by the way.
          Bought a cheap light tent of amazon just to test, but of course havent had a chance to do so yet


          • #6
            I bought this one off Amazon,

            Didn't use it for photogrammetry since I'd need a tiny turntable to go inside. But I used it to shoot material samples. I'd also drop in a color checker passport to check the colors and light levels were balanced. I think the size of the tent has put me off a bit because I do get samples that don't fit in the tent.

            Next up is using a camera with a polarizing filter & 2 flashes with opposite polarizing filters on them. But this is also more for capturing textures than photogrammetry.
            Brendan Coyle |


            • #7
              Ha using it for plain old textures never even occurred to me. Will have to give it a go.

