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Fluid with Specks

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  • Fluid with Specks

    Hi all,

    I was wondering if any of you knew of a good way of showing moving fluid that has specks throughout it. I'm creating an animation of eye surgery where they suck out the vitreous (jelly bit at the back) but it has "snow" throughout it.

    I managed to fudge it by using SimCloth to create the vitreous by pulling it through a tube. Then in another pass introduced particles. However, the particles don't really follow the SimCloth mesh as they were just blown in the general direction the mesh was moving.

    Any thoughts/ideas on how to get a more accurate simulation???

    Thanks in advance,


    Ps. I've been using VRay for a couple of years now and really love it!!

  • #2
    Oh well, I guess this can't be done (not easily anyway). Just as well the client wanted a diagrammatic animation rather than a physically correct one. I posed the question more for my own curiosity more than anything else.



    • #3
      I think the easiest way would be to go to one of the actual volumetric fluid simulations.. none of which are perfect, but they would get you the correct particle movement to go with the surfaces... Glue3d and Realflow are the current Max contenders, Basically Cheap/Easy to use/NotSoStable, and Expensive/Hard to use/NotSoStable respectively..
      Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


      • #4
        there was some talk on keeping particles on an animated surface using particle flow over on the discreet forum.
        -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


        • #5
          I'm cheap. Just wondering if you would be able to do this with some post-processing composition software- let's say After Effects?
          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies.

            dbuchhofer; When I've got some time I'll have a pay around with Glue3d and see if it can achieve the desired effect.

            jujubee; that's sort of how I did this version, but using video post. I rendered out the membrane with the particles flying in the right general direction (but also outside the membrane). Then I rendered out just the membrane as a mask for composting.

            dellis; I think I found the discussions you were talking about. However, I need to keep the particles within the space created by the surfaces not on the surfaces themselves. I could be wrong but I see it as more of a volume issue.



            • #7
              Starting to look good, like the use of simcloth.

              I think you could use particle flow. Set the particles to find target and set the simcloth mesh to deflect them.

              Look forward to seeing the finished result.



