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Animation for Web

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  • Animation for Web

    a customer ask me to make animation of a product. He wants this animation in your site. What I must make to have a animation with good quality and with size of archive also reduced for InterNet? Which the best codec to make this?

  • #2
    hi Sergio ..

    i like WMV, when saving into that format you get some options for the web and the quality is pretty good.


    • #3
      With WMV isnt that a windows media player only? What about people on linux, or macs? If you dont have to worry about other formats, then wmv, if you have to worry about cross platform compatability, Quicktime is pretty good, sometimes the files can get pretty large, but you can stream it to help.


      • #4
        mpeg does pretty well too.....has a good compression/quality over the web.....
        if you're exporting out of Premiere, there are a lot of presets for web based video as well....



        • #5
          Its a problematic question.. a couple things..

          For best number of people able to view it without any plugins, MPEG1, quality is anywhere 'Eh' to 'Decent' on my handy arbitrary Scale Of Doom. Encoder: TMPGEnc

          For a better quality, slightly higher file size, and still a decent set of people able to view it, Quicktime is good.. if you go this way, Sorensen 3 codec is i believe the best free one for size/quality.. many many ways to encode.

          for best Quality/Size ratio, DivX rocks, the main problem being that the free codec download is very very buried on their site. and the one that isn't buried, is packaged with some Adware. 'Craptastic' on the buisness practices scale.

          A comparable completely free codec for size/quality is the XviD codec.. main downside being the lack of people that already have it installed, and the fact that the people who make the codec, don't release a binary version of it, so you have to rely on other random peoples versions of the XviD codec.. which aren't neccessarily the same.

          Decisions.. Nothing concretely the 'best' choice.. it depends on how computer savvy you thing the audience is going to be for the movie as to what level of 'quality' you can get away with using.
          Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

