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Versioning in Photoshop

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  • Versioning in Photoshop

    I have been using Nuke for the past few years and have gotten very used to the idea that you can update your comp with the latest version of renders very easily.
    Have started working in a new job and they do a lot of still images with vray and post production in photoshop.

    I am pushing them to work in 32 bit with exr. files and use split elements to help with post production.
    We have been using split elements and layered exrs, thanks to this awesome plug-in

    This is great for control in post but whenever there is a new render, which is every night, there is so much wasted time updating the psd.
    Not a problem if there is just one image but if there are 20 plus images with 7-10 elements this is a real issue.

    Have looked at smart objects, actions, batch processes and data driven variables and they are all really clunky.

    Anyone got a clever suggestion on how to auto update the psd. files to the lastest render?

    All the layers have the same name from version to version. A simple example would be
    teapot/v01/teapot.exr becomes

    Ideally the solution would work with smart objects so that you could replace the base elements and they would replace throughout the psd file.


  • #2
    PSD Manager?


    • #3
      I think the structure of folders should be redone and you should use smart objects.
      So the folder structure should be like this
      project output
      - latest
      - v01
      - v02
      - ...
      So your latest renders are always the same name and going to folder "latest".
      With simple pre-render script, you can clean "latest" folder and move files to new version folder. In PS file you will have latest filenames imported as smart objects - which are always updated.
      So with this structure, you will always have the latest render in your PS file.
      I am curious if you can do such thing with Affinity.
      Available for remote work.
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      • #4
        I'm curious Oleg,
        As a smart object is an intelligent layer within a psd file, and not a link like AE or Illustrator. You still have to 'update' every photoshop file with the new renders, right?
        Do you manage this with scripts?

        Alain Blanchette


        • #5
          Originally posted by thablanch View Post
          I'm curious Oleg,
          As a smart object is an intelligent layer within a PSD file, and not a link like AE or Illustrator. You still have to 'update' every photoshop file with the new renders, right?
          Do you manage this with scripts?

          As far as I know when you drag and drop file in PS, it inserts as a link (smart object).
          So once the file is updated - the link is updated and the layer is updated. If you will try to keep non-destructible workflow in PS (which is VERY VERY hard) then you should not even touch anything. You can even have a batch file, which will use PSD file and export it as a JPG with all your corrections and etc without opening PS and seeing it's ugly face again
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          • #6
            As i am planning to move to Affinity Photo - i wonder if there is an implementation of smart filters and smart objects there. Any Affinity professionals here ?
            Available for remote work.
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            • #7
              Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post
              As far as I know when you drag and drop file in PS, it inserts as a link (smart object).
              So once the file is updated - the link is updated and the layer is updated. If you will try to keep non-destructible workflow in PS (which is VERY VERY hard) then you should not even touch anything. You can even have a batch file, which will use PSD file and export it as a JPG with all your corrections and etc without opening PS and seeing it's ugly face again
              Ok, got it..

              It is 'place linked' (either when you drag and drop or une place linked), which is not the exact same thing as smart object workflow, that's what got me confused..
              Thanks for the info on the workflow
              Alain Blanchette


              • #8
                Well, it says that it is a smart object.
                This sign near layer preview is telling us that it is smart-ass, right ?
                Last edited by Oleg_Budeanu; 23-03-2017, 05:42 AM.
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                • #9
                  Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post
                  As i am planning to move to Affinity Photo - i wonder if there is an implementation of smart filters and smart objects there. Any Affinity professionals here ?
                  I asked about a type of "XREF" implementation. They said they are working on one for Designer, after which it will be ported to Photo. No timeframe given
                  Kind Regards,


                  • #10
                    Cheers for the info, Morne, looks like it is time to move!
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                    • #11
                      Not sure if this is exactly what psd manager does?
                      I downloaded the demo ages ago and didn't see this type of fuctionality.
                      It output exr. with the correct blending modes and allowed for a lot of different, clever types of masks (by layer, by selection set) but I don't think it allows for updating exsisting files?

                      Anyone using psd manager to do this?
                      If it did I would definitely purchase it.

                      Thanks Oleg, I get why this might be a better way, will give give this idea a try when I get back to work this week.

                      Yes Morne it is a type of XREF implementation that I am after or a simple way of versioning like Nuke.
                      This way I would build a base empty composite and add to its complexity over time and not to keep re-doing the same stuff again and again.
                      Seem like I might have to give affinity a try.


                      • #12
                        Why don't you just use Natron or Fusion then?
                        Natron is free, unlimited resolution, and you'll pick it up in no time since the UI is almost like Nuke.
                        Fusion is free up to 4K resolution...
                        Kind Regards,


                        • #13
                          Actually using Natron, though it is quite unstable.
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                          • #14
                            Am looking at getting the team to use either natron fusion or nuke but nodal compositing is not the easiest thing to learn.
                            And as good as nuke is its not really a complete replacement for photoshop on stills projects.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post
                              I think the structure of folders should be redone and you should use smart objects.
                              So the folder structure should be like this
                              project output
                              - latest
                              - v01
                              - v02
                              - ...
                              So your latest renders are always the same name and going to folder "latest".
                              With simple pre-render script, you can clean "latest" folder and move files to new version folder. In PS file you will have latest filenames imported as smart objects - which are always updated.
                              So with this structure, you will always have the latest render in your PS file.
                              I am curious if you can do such thing with Affinity.
                              I'm looking to implement this exact workflow for versioning, either using a pre-render script or using an event plugin with Deadline. What you described is exactly what I'm after, but possibly with the renders in the root of the folder, not within a latest folder, but that's not a major point.

                              I'm no coder so I cant imagine I'll be able to work it out, but if you fancy having a go, that would be amazingly useful!!


