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Backburner & 10 connection limit in winXP

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  • #16
    its really simple,
    I have suse 9.1 running, it comes with an emulator called 'wine'

    - copy your backburner folder to your linux machine
    - fire up 'wine'
    - run 'manager.exe' from backburner


    (after that you can run manager directly without wine, so it runs as if you were on a windows machine...)

    I was really surprised as well but it works without ANY hassles on my system...

    its really a pitty that nodes cannot be linux as it would make it really cost effective, although the xp pro oem (which I use for my nodes) are not that highly priced, so to me its still value for money...



    • #17
      I have an ordinary xp machine as manager and there is no trouble with 17 render slaves. they allso save the rendered images to a nother xp machine without any problem.

      Daniel Westlund


      • #18

        I think that this might be a bit of luck. Are all 17 machines identical in hardware? I would guess that the manager isn't getting pinged by more then ten computers at a time. It would be interesting to hear from people with bigger networks.


        I've tried running the manager on our red hat fedora box and it starts up and runs fine and will even accept registrations from other nodes but when i send the job to it from any of our workstations it doesn't allow it. Right now i have two managers with different port numbers going....that might be the problem. I'm going to try it with just one and see what happens. Maybe it has something to do with the version of linux we're using???? I wonder.
        -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


        • #19

          (after that you can run manager directly without wine, so it runs as if you were on a windows machine...)

          I was really surprised as well but it works without ANY hassles on my system...

          its really a pitty that nodes cannot be linux as it would make it really cost effective, although the xp pro oem (which I use for my nodes) are not that highly priced, so to me its still value for money...


          You got backburner manager running on Wine?!?! I will have to reinvestigate


          • #20

            Yeah...i was really surprised too. I think that having multiple managers is part of the problem. I should be able to test it tomorrow....i can't really do it now cause i'm rendering.

            I'll post my results tomorrow.
            -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


            • #21
              does backburner manager really work on a non-server windows version with more than 10 computers?
              Works fine here with anywhere from 20-25 slaves.. on a plain windows 2000 machine as the manager. with the understanding that the FILESERVER that recieves the files from the slaves DOES need to be a server os.. but in our case a NAS (Network Attached Storage) works fine..
              Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk

