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ILM's Material X and Nvidia's MDL

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  • #16
    Originally posted by oglu View Post
    You are maybe right. But cause this is an Autodesk project we have this native in maya. If we need data from an other studio its easier than developing our own solution.
    FBX became an Autodesk project before, and a lot of good it did to either the format, its capabilities, or its stability.
    It's however still around, entire toolsets have been developed - and sold - around it, and has been marketed as the automagic "maya to max bridge" for many years.
    And that never worked beyond the simplest of cases, certainly never as the panacea it was marketed as.

    My point is in fact quite simple: it's still another "language" to learn, to teach people (along with its many specialties, and intricacies, and specific use cases), and then to write and read fluently and effectively.
    But, it being essentially wholly third-party, one delegates away the important bits: the changes in lingo, grammar or syntax, one would need for one's own special case.
    If i was still a TD, i'd fight this tooth and nail in the company i was hired in: food is free in jail, and yet i don't see it as a good reason to spend time there: i'd rather spend time in my own kitchen trying to get better at cooking.

    Alas, they are inevitable, as taxes, for as long as the current state of affairs (read: a private entity calling personal standards "universal", and then making a lot of noise about nothing at all for years.) will continue.
    My hope is that at some point the market will unshackle itself from these, but hey it's a nearly forlorn one.
    Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

    The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


    • #17
      That all makes a lot of sence. But we here have hundreds of Artists around they dont care about cooking at all.

      There will allways be one studio forcing others todo the same.
      At the moment behind all this standards like matX or USD is Disney. Others will follow and we have to adopt.

      My main question is will we get support from Chaosgroup?
      Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


      • #18
        The more artists, the more situations where you'd like to have precise control on what it is you're doing for and with them.
        And the retraining. Madness, particularly if it's Disney (or anyone else not participating in the effort.) saying so.

        You can count on the stuff being supported when it's mature enough.
        Like and dislike (and mine, at that!) have no bearing on Chaos doing what is sensible.
        Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

        The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
          Alas, they are inevitable, as taxes, for as long as the current state of affairs (read: a private entity calling personal standards "universal", and then making a lot of noise about nothing at all for years.) will continue.
          My hope is that at some point the market will unshackle itself from these, but hey it's a nearly forlorn one.
          I'm silently watching this debate unfold but... If I'm getting you right, you are referring to Disney here, right?


          • #20
            Not specifically, no: It's no different to other situations before.

            I was personally very miffed at the dropping of the RPF format, in favour of EXR.
            Sure, EXR had the advantage of more recent development spent on it (we're talking early 00s), but to this day, RPF will still manage a better depth comping thanks to richer fragments.
            I'd have loved more development went into maturing RPF, instead of spending a decade debugging and improving EXR.
            Alas, discreet is no more, AD has no interest in the tech, and everyone (but Photoshop! joke!) reads and writes EXRs correctly by now.

            OSL, same thing: why would i listen to Sony, and their arnold-centric pipeline, if i used any other renderer?
            Over ten years later, what is the state of the OSL project?
            Who spent resources, and loads of them, to mature it?
            I think to this day more can be done with GLSL than with OSL.
            Is it accidental that the one is put out by a standards consortium, and the other pushed by Sony and the Arnold camp (which ofc now includes AD.)?

            Or who recalls the fuss about Disney's principled material in around 2012? It looked like the cure to all ailments, until someone noticed it didn't do refraction.
            And that the sliders clamps and skews were good as they were for some, specifically the Disney artists with those specific needs, and not for everyone else, much less so in the unique and life-changing way they touted.

            USD: Has anyone outside the biggest of studios, which devoted heaps of resources to make it work, seen anything working as advertised with it?
            How many years do people have to wait before they realise .vrscene would be able to do much the same tricks, as it has for a decade now, across as many apps as one could think of?
            Would it not be great to be able to spend all our dev time on perfecting in-house tech, instead of having to dilute some (you can't just hire this kind of talent.) devoting it to researching, PoCing and then developing a writer/reader for it?

            ABC: sure, xMeshes aren't free (to write. yet quite cheap.), but man they spanked ABC for performance by an order of magnitude a decade ago.
            Fast forward to today, ABC is THE caching format, so ingrained into the daily conversation that it's now hard to even be able to benchmark it, because of lack of alternatives (well. we do have V-Ray Proxies, of course.).
            No one will know if they're getting sub-par performance without the possibility of a direct measurement, and yet it seems people are just content about delegating responsibility ("ABC is said to work well. We'll use ABC.").

            We pay the price for the hype these companies put out, hoping as they claim it'll save us from whatever idiosyncrasy our daily production is afflicted with, missing the slight point that it benefits them (in name, image, shaping of the market, development and debugging of the tech, and so on), more than it benefits us, the single user or little studio.
            And i am personally very irked by it.
            Thankfully, as i said, no one at ChaosGroup cares about what i think of this stuff, and the users stay pampered with the latest functional tech implemented for them. :P

            The thing is, sometimes there is no way on this side to fix stuff on the other (ie. issues in the libraries), and guess who gets the grief.
            THEY said it works a treat (and even showed a demo or two!), now YOU make it work as it should (i'd refrain here from calling out examples, but there are very many.).
            So you see why i don't much favour this kind of "pushed" development, compared to the slightly gentler flow we'd have on our own: incredibly, we still have plenty of ideas of our own, and still have a record of production-proven, universally so, tech released.
            Well, when i say WE, i mean Vlado and co., of course.

            I'm turning old very quickly, clearly, and not quite getting the gist of this new CG world we live in.
            Don't take it -let me restate this- as a Chaos' company line, by any stretch of the imagination: i pictured we were in a Pub, or fishing by a lake, and I thought out loud. :P

            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


            • #21
              To give some body to my worries, here's an article making the rounds (as it should given the author.).
              In it, of those offering some "handy-wavy" opinion on USD, only one has something resembling a technical role in CG, and it wasn't even for VFX, but Games, and none of them anything to do with pipeline as such.
              Mixing a technical analysis (lacking!) with marketing (the hype exudes from every word...) is seriously bad, imho, and it generally points at something not being right.
              Only reading through the lines one realises USD is currently nowhere, if not in bits and adopted by very few, and partially so.
              Until intellectual honesty -at the least- isn't brought to bear, i'll continue suffering these kind of techs, rather than embrace them.

              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


              • #22
                I totally agree that USD is nowhere. But there is a reason cause there are no DCC tools that support USD creation out of the box. Some can read them like Clarisse. Maybe Maya at the end of the year. Animal Logic, Pixar, Lumar and Autodesk working together on the native Maya plugin.

                Even Renderman does not fully support it. USD will replace rib files at the end of 2019. Im not sure if USD will ever become a big deal outside Renderman studios. But its coming.

                Same goes for matX. There is no tool for artists to create a matx graph by hand. There are several in development beside Autodesks LookDevX. I dont see matX used without such workflows.

                Maybe next year it will be clear if all of this is one way to go.
                Last edited by oglu; 24-05-2019, 02:26 PM.
                Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


                • #23
                  Originally posted by oglu View Post
                  Maybe next year it will be clear if all of this is one way to go.
                  Color me a well wisher!
                  I'd rather have clarity, and would definitely not be opposed to stuff which worked! :P
                  Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                  The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                  • #24
                    Now more than a year later we still have nothing to create materialX materials inside maya or max. But i have seen a materialX rendering in Vray throu OSL.
                    In the Autodesk Vision Series they showed a possible future.
                    Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram


                    • #25
                      Here is the video.
                      The 5sec Vray part starts at 1h 1min.
                      Ryzen 5950, Geforce 3060, 128GB ram

