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What I have been working on since August...

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  • #31
    AHH - I am actually getting interested in seeing Stealth.


    • #32
      yeap... all the canopy and visors were added as CG mostly for reflections and sense of movement. Lots of amazing development was done to get the sundog effects (mirco scratches), dirt, smudge etc... each canopy had probably at least 10 passes. But what is even more amazing, that we got that process down so well, that it became button click. We would light the plane, then the canopy would be a button based on our lighting... it would import all the right elements, apply anim, shaders etc... render out all the passes, compile into a single exr, and have the precomp ready.... all by hitting render canopy or render visor We were even able to do the refraction in post (gatta love Nuke). Comper would do the final tweaks and it was done. Of course you need that when you have to do 400+ shots of canopies and visors.


      • #33
        chirs would that all have been scripted in for you? and how would you compile all the pases into a single exr?
        Dmitry Vinnik
        Silhouette Images Inc.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Morbid Angel
          chirs would that all have been scripted in for you? and how would you compile all the pases into a single exr?
          All scripted by the TDs. They were combined by taking the seperate passes and running them through a nuke script that would spit out a single EXR.

