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Using nParticles to drive a Phoenix Simulation not working?

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  • Using nParticles to drive a Phoenix Simulation not working?

    I have been trying to create a flame thrower type simulation using nParticles to drive the long spray motion, but to no avail.
    I have--
    -Cached the nParticles
    -Using a Phoenix fire preset on a simple plane, the Sim and Src are created for use.
    -I disconnect the plane from the phxSource_set1
    -Used edit sets to connect the phxSource_set1 to the nParticle_shape node.
    -According the documentation tutorial, the particles should be catching fire?

    Any hints as to what I might be doing wrong?


  • #2

    Indeed this should be enough. Probably by default the particles are way too small. So there are two things you can do.
    Check your discharge value in the source - try increasing it quite a lot.
    Another thing you can do is to change the Particle Shape in the Phoenix Source - you can set it to custom size and play around with the size. Note that if the size is big you won't need so high discharge. You can find more about it here -|Phoenix FDSource-EmissionfromParticles

    Also make sure to enable Motion Velocity from the Source settings in order for the particle's movement to affect the velocity of the simulation.

    Georgi Zhekov
    Phoenix Product Manager


    • #3
      Excellent! That worked great. Thank you!

      Now I'm noticing when I connect a particleSamplerInfo to the UVW slot of the source it crashes Maya. Unconnected it sims fine and has the generic smoke color, but hooked up with the particleSamplerInfo node to get the colors from my nParticles it seg faults Maya 2016. Any workarounds for this?


      • #4
        Hmm, possibly you are using an old Phoenix version - this crash should have been fixed in Phoenix 3.10 from February of last year - check the change log here:

        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

