**SketchUp version :2019
Skatter version (Skatter dialog > Options > About) : 1.4.7
**OS : Windows
**Description of the issue : vrscenes not rendering in ‘render only’ mode
Are you able to reproduce the issue every time? (If yes, how?) :Yes
Error in Ruby Console? (Window > Ruby Console) :
Link to Scatter forum post: https://forums.lindale.io/t/vrscene-...only-mode/1765
Skatter version (Skatter dialog > Options > About) : 1.4.7
**OS : Windows
**Description of the issue : vrscenes not rendering in ‘render only’ mode
Are you able to reproduce the issue every time? (If yes, how?) :Yes
Error in Ruby Console? (Window > Ruby Console) :
Link to Scatter forum post: https://forums.lindale.io/t/vrscene-...only-mode/1765