HI This is my wip scen.
I have some problem with this scene. There are 2 lights - direct and vray. Problem is in the corner of the room. Look on the floor and you see quite good reflections on the tiles but in the corner the tiles are flat and pale. There are no reflections and they are so grainy. I think that this is problem conected with the light, becouse the floor is lighting from direct light. The tiles on the corner are lighting only with vray (I think). But when I try to change the position of direct light the scen become to bright.
The lights pass thru the open door at the back of camera view.
Please help to properly light this room. Mayby it's problem with the materials.
Render setings:
1 IRR - min/max = -3/-2
hsph subdiv = 200
inerp samp = 10
clr tresh =0.2
nrm tresh =0.2
dist tresh = 60
2. Light tracer
photon 1000

HI This is my wip scen.
I have some problem with this scene. There are 2 lights - direct and vray. Problem is in the corner of the room. Look on the floor and you see quite good reflections on the tiles but in the corner the tiles are flat and pale. There are no reflections and they are so grainy. I think that this is problem conected with the light, becouse the floor is lighting from direct light. The tiles on the corner are lighting only with vray (I think). But when I try to change the position of direct light the scen become to bright.
The lights pass thru the open door at the back of camera view.
Please help to properly light this room. Mayby it's problem with the materials.
Render setings:
1 IRR - min/max = -3/-2
hsph subdiv = 200
inerp samp = 10
clr tresh =0.2
nrm tresh =0.2
dist tresh = 60
2. Light tracer
photon 1000