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What is your opinion about Chaos?

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  • What is your opinion about Chaos?

    We'd like to kindly request a small amount of your time and invite you to participate in our Customer Relationship Survey where you can provide your opinions about us as a company, our products, and the associated services.

    Please complete the survey via the link below (which shouldn't take more than 10 minutes) by July 4, 2023 to ensure your voice counts in helping us create a better product and experience.

    We highly appreciate and value all our customers' feedback and look forward to reading what you have to say, whether it be praise or criticism..
    Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
    Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

  • #2
    Hello. Thank you for taking the time and considering my comment.
    So far I have got two issues.
    1. Under the "edit instances" option, when you transfer an object which has been assigned to a surface, it doesn't recognize the surface any more and I have to place it manually. Correct me if am wrong.
    2. Again under the "edit instances" option, when an object is selected and you want to zoom on the object, letter Z on the keyboard doesn't work, consequently in the large scenes it makes it so difficult to find and zoom on the object you are working on.
    Thanks for your attention. is my work email. I would really appreciate it if you could get back to me with complementary response.



    • #3
      I was one of the few archviz professionals I know who didn't migrate to Corona and persisted with v-ray, believing that it would be better one day. After four years using it, I have some complaints to make:
      The V-ray default configuration does not work in any case, it always has to be adjusted to achieve a minimally decent result, it is always necessary to use a LUT, change the camera aperture, correct the exposure, etc. It would be much easier if there were presets ready for indoor and outdoor scenes, for example. Post production presets etc.
      I know presets can be saved, but cmon no one wants to spend time on that. Chaos Scans is practically useless because people buy ready-made objects, and there are no architectural materials, which I believe is a lost opportunity, in addition to being difficult to import them.
      The phoenix FD should have beach wave presets. And to be worth the price, the v-ray should at least have Vantage integrated. And Chaos Cosmos has a lot of bad quality mixed with good, and we have to keep testing each one to see if it works. Just remove the low quality ones or separate them as "bad quality models/materials". The Vray Toon material appears to be from cave times. And automatically charging for vray is wrong, as the value of the product is very high, and someone may simply not see this activated, as was my case. Thanks​


      • #4
        Hi there,
        i'm using Corona for years now, and feel betrayed about new Chaos price list.

        I was affraid when Chaos bought Render Legion to see a monopolistic company emerged from this acquisition. I'm not disappointed.

        What else than a monopolistic company can increase its price from 88% in a single email ?

        Yes +88% : from 418.80€ a year for 1 WS + 3 nodes licence, to 787.68€ in Premium + 2 nodes now.

        So +88% for less.

        When I see the home page of Corona :
        Click image for larger version

Name:	image.png
Views:	351
Size:	23.6 KB
ID:	1199638

        Are you kidding ? You are anything but affordable.

        And what did we get for this increase ?
        1. Chaos Cosmos that helps but with hundreds of bad models from Enscape without any use for high quality rendering.
        2. Chaos Phenix, I dont need it
        3. Chaos Player neither
        4. ​Chaos Scans I never used and mostly never will.
        All I need is an affordable render to run on 1 workstation + 2 nodes I bough years ago.
        As a freelancer for a decade now, life can be hard and you don't help anymore. I feel so betrayed.

        We can say that Central Europe is now as capitalistic as US : congrats guys.


        • #5
          Hi Jules! I did reply on the Corona forums, but want to reply here too for other readers. The price increase you will pay is in fact the 10% increase from old Premium to new Premium. For those users with a historical license that has "+3 render nodes", those render nodes remain included in the regular Premium subscription price so long as the subscription is renewed without break or interruption. So although the price of your Premium license goes up by 10%, that is the only change here (if we were removing the included +3 nodes for our long time customers who have licenses from before the release of Corona 8, we'd have noted that in the email). Thanks!


          • #6
            Hi again Tom, thanks to keeping it up.
            As I aswered on Corona forum, it doesn't change the problem itself, even if it's a better ending for me.

            1st, 10% is a lot, I don't bill 10% more my client the way you do it : they would not understand and ask why. The fact is as a solo freelancer I would have to answer, but you don't as a major company.
            2nd, +88% for a less complete product​ (-1 node) is crazy. Who can support this ? What's the policy behind it ?
            Finally, your approach make us prisoner of your product : end it and you will pay more. What if I want to take a year off and want to stop my subscription for some savings ? Why should I pay +XX% more when I'm back as almost nothing would have change except +1 or +2 version, as usual ?

            Sorry to bother you, I'm a big fan of Corona and you all make a wonderful job and our life easier years after years, but this price policy is a non-sens.


            • #7
              TY for the kind words on being a fan It is true, no-one enjoys price increases, but they do have to happen as cost of living and cost of business does keep going up. It is a Chaos price increase too and not just Corona, other products are affected. As you mentioned, we are a major company and that makes the financials VERY complex with so many different factors coming into play. I'm not in the financial team side of things of course, but I can say I don't envy them their job! Having to weigh everything up and decide if and when price changes need to happen can't be a fun task.

              On the approach about keeping the render nodes, we see that as being fair to our long term users who stay with us, giving them an additional benefit, not as imprisoning anyone. The extra nodes could have been discontinued back when licensing changed with Corona 8, but we saw that as not being fair to long term users who had become familiar with it, and chose to let them keep those extras with an ongoing subscription. Hopefully that is how people feel about it!

              We do appreciate your feedback and sharing your thoughts with us. Thanks!


              • #8
                Originally posted by tom_grimes1 View Post
                Hi Jules! I did reply on the Corona forums, but want to reply here too for other readers. The price increase you will pay is in fact the 10% increase from old Premium to new Premium. For those users with a historical license that has "+3 render nodes", those render nodes remain included in the regular Premium subscription price so long as the subscription is renewed without break or interruption. So although the price of your Premium license goes up by 10%, that is the only change here (if we were removing the included +3 nodes for our long time customers who have licenses from before the release of Corona 8, we'd have noted that in the email). Thanks!
                It is better if you just say that you raised prices by a big amount and just leave it at that. Offering the 3 nodes for free for longterm users is just plain ridiculous for a SUBSCRIPTION product. Yes a SUBSCRIPTION product, which was put into the market to make it more affordable for users to step in AND to pause the license. Now if it was a perpetual license with MAINTENANCE I would understand that you would lose the 3 nodes when skipping a term. But losing the nodes when you skip a subscription term (as a longterm user) simply proves that not only perpetual licenses made you "lose"money but also the old subscription license incl. 3 nodes had to be converted to hard cash. I heard a lot of reasons why perpetual licenses had to be dropped: too much administration, too hard to maintain and the best one....users preferred subscription over perpetual!!!! Then these longterm users you mention above must be scratching their head now comparing the cost of their "subscription" just to keep their 3 rendernodes and a perpetual license .

                Next to VRay and Corona I am using quite a few realtime solutions and I am quite excited with their fast and and very solid developments particularly on the AI front. I really hope Chaos is doing what they always WERE best at....staying at the forefront as they should with current pricing. But I am sorry to say that I just can't see it....

