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Educational License

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  • Educational License

    Hi all ,

    I just joined a 3dsmax class and was introduced to vray which I really like as a renderer,
    could someone here explain to me the differences in educational and commercial license ???, I was looking on line today and noticed that I can obtain educational version of vray for$260, I understand I am not t ouse it for any commercial purposes but my question is while I'm learning is there any limitations to the above mentioned version ??? , I mean are there any other restriction except for the commercial factor ???, will I be able to render the same 3ds scenes as in school ???, are there any features that don't work in the educational version?
    please help and could I in the process built up on my digital portfolio using educational license of vray'?

    thank you all,


  • #2
    The educational version does not have any restrictions in functionality, except that it cannot work with V-Ray RT currently. You can use it for your portfolio, yes.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Hello Vlado and thank you for your reply,
      I was wondering where I could obtain educational vray 64 bit for 3ds max 2010 and would the vray only work with max 2010 or also with max 2009,
      can you please provide me with a link to a purchasing department ,

      thank you,



      • #4
        It would be best to email us to - the guys will give you more precise answers with regards to purchasing. Otherwise, V-Ray educational has builds for 3ds Max 8, 9, 2008, 2009 and 2010, 32- and 64-bits.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hello I' am a student also and am also interested in buying the educational vray for max but i'd like to know as well as the upper poster said about limitations? I'v read on some site that max res for render is 1600pix x 1200pix?

          Bumping the thread


          • #6
            There are no limitations in the educational version, except the fact that it does not work with V-Ray RT.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

