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PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

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  • PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

    I do not find any mentioning of it in the list of features at
    Displacement had been mentioned before though?


  • #2
    PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

    PPT is one of the various GI methods that is offered in V-Ray for Rhino.

    Displacment will not be part of the V-Ray for Rhino 1.0.0. It is planned for a future release.

    Best regards,

    Best regards,

    Corey Rubadue

    Chaos Group


    • #3
      PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

      Originally posted by crubadue
      PPT is one of the various GI methods that is offered in V-Ray for Rhino.
      Displacment will not be part of the V-Ray for Rhino 1.0.0. It is planned for a future release.
      Thank you, Corey. So PPT it is.
      What makes me wonder though, as, if I understand that right, displacement is working in Vray: Is there a special reason that you do not hook it up for V1?
      I'd rather regard it a main feature of Vray, isn't it?
      If I got that right again, you earlier differentiated on the page between an early and a final V1. Is that idea gone?
      Thanks for answering my questions!



      • #4
        PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

        currently displacement is not available to us through the VRay SDK.
        Best regards,
        Joe Bacigalupa

        Chaos Group


        • #5
          PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

          Originally posted by joeb
          currently displacement is not available to us through the VRay SDK.
          Thanks Joe. Hm. Kind of a show-stopper to me.
          Would we Rhinocerati really have to pay extra for this feature?
          And what's the reason for this shortcoming of the sdk, as a quick search in the forum showed that displacement seems to be in Vray for quite a while?
          Thanks again for your patience with my ignorance



          • #6
            PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?


            There are more issues than displacement not being in the SDK that will stand in our way of having displacement in Rhino. There is no modifier stack available like there is in 3ds max for instance. We will work through this and hopefully get displacement in sooner rather than later.

            We are not 100% sure if displacement will cost extra or not. We will not know this for sure until we finalize the features we will add to the next version release.

            Please stay tuned.

            Best regards,

            Best regards,

            Corey Rubadue

            Chaos Group


            • #7
              PPT and displacement maps usable with Vray for Rhino?

              Thanks Corey, fair answer.
              So then we can hope now, that you guys (and girls) do not have too much work on this and have it be in more or less with the first go
              There was and is the RM complaint rail for Rhino providing displacement, but unfortunately these renderers aren't, hm, let's make it the 'new style' realistic kind of.
              Just checked at splutterfish, and it does not look like they have it in for Brazil as of yet, maybe similar circumstands, as the one for max3d has displacement.

              I stay tuned and wish you a well going


