Can anybody tell me why a render in 3DS Max looks better than one done from SketchUp? Don't get me wrong, Vray 4 SU beats all other render engines but its 3D Max counterpart still has a few tricks... For instance the edges in a Max Render seem slightly more realistic. I'm I alone on this?
Another Question: In 3DS Max there's an option, when one is setting up emissive materials, that enables the object usually lights emit colored light that affects the lighting of the scene. I'm aware that Vray 4 SU has this but the emissive objects in SU just glow they don't 'emit' colored light. For it to affect the colour of the scne on needs to place a rectangular or point light. (If i'm wrong here please,school me )I think the option in 3DS MAx is under radiosity and they actually emit energy. Checkout the images I think we need that glow...
If the difference is as a result of extra features is there I way I can fake it till Vray4 Su makes it (to 3DS Max Level) ?
Our Faithful SketchUp:

3DS Max:
