Hi all this is my first post and my firts render with vray for rhino: Van Der Rohe Chair

there are 2 rectangular light on the right/left with different multipler
1 irradiance map
0.8 light cage
adaptive dmc min subd 1 max subd 50 noise threshold 0.005
dmc sampler adap 1 min samples 8
noise thresold 0.01 subd mult 1
color mapping reinhhard burn value 0.85
irradiance map
- 1 max -3
50subd samples 20
the problem is the reflection of white rectangular light
i have incresed the subd of reflection of chrome from 8 to 20 to 35 but is the same always aliasing

there are 2 rectangular light on the right/left with different multipler
1 irradiance map
0.8 light cage
adaptive dmc min subd 1 max subd 50 noise threshold 0.005
dmc sampler adap 1 min samples 8
noise thresold 0.01 subd mult 1
color mapping reinhhard burn value 0.85
irradiance map
- 1 max -3
50subd samples 20
the problem is the reflection of white rectangular light
i have incresed the subd of reflection of chrome from 8 to 20 to 35 but is the same always aliasing