Hi guys, masters, newbies all crits and advise welcome.
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house tina (updated pics @ bottom of page)
Re: house tina
well, im also learning so im by far not a master, but it seems good.
i think that you need to add a textile material to the sofa.
also increase the light cache multiplier, add some floor mat, and look for some nice 3d flowers cause the ones you have is way too low poly...
you can find some interesting components here www.archive3d.net
great start!los campeones no nacen, se hacen...
Re: house tina
I LIKE.... the glass table and the magazines, they work well.
lighting.... looks a little drab.... ask yourself would you stop and sit there to read a magazine? answer is probably not, rendering is all about selling something that isnt so make people fall in love with the scene!
materials.... check out the forum for good texture links... theres alot, use them!
models..... i second like a previous user says comments about some of the models.... it looks like your raided the warehouse and arranged everything then clicked render...? the warehouse is useful but should be used with discrepancy! like materials find some good resources for quality models
your own models.... the frame that holds the timber screens looks well... but pull it forward from the wall 10mm it will cast a minor shadow but thats how it would be build in reality and will aid your image. its things like this that add to the overall effect. the timber screens themselves....? they defy gravity which is kool yet wrong. so put a small metal spacer in.
FINISH THE MODEL! lol put ceilings on your spaces... although im guessing perhaps you had, only the lighting gave you a near on dark image so you removed them? which would further support the main improvement mentioned first.
if you can do these points and re-post then im sure with a few further tips you could have a nice little scene going on..... keep up the effort.
kind regards
Re: house tina
models and materials have been improved...
but the image is too dark.... unless your going for that effect.
If your using physical camera, low your F-number and lower your shutter spped values until you get the disired effect.
My interiors values (scene dependant obv) are roughly 30-40 ofr shutter speed, and 4.1-5.9 for the F number
I think the first image is a better composition and works with your materials. The sofa texture works well from distance but image too highlights is flaws
Id try and develope view 1 further, and forget your second view... or chose another angle
Kind regards
Re: house tina
Hi Derek_Bandit,
I am not a pro with VRAY but fully agree with 'deanfitton'.
The scene seems too dark. I would also play with V-RAY sun parameters to make the light softer.
See below links to asgvis turorials that can be helpful:
Re: house tina (updated pics @ bottom of page)
Not bad.. I like the pleasant and relaxing view of the room. Although I'm not really good with this. I guess a little bit of textile material will add to its beauty.
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