i was totally impressed by watching a webinar named "Photoshop for Post-Rendered Work(http://software.asgvis.com/images/su..._Photoshop.wmv)"
was awesome!!
but when i try to render scene,
i couldn't export images specific material marked. :'(
whatever, i watched a wabinar about Z-depth and
now i understand what is z-depth channel and how to use it.
i got a hint that 'VFB channels' at option window are the magic spell!
1. Can't i export a channel that same material is marked by same color? (i think it's available at vfm...)
2. Can't i export edges in render scene?
3. Can't i export all selected channels in one image file? (png? exr? tga? ... or something)

i was totally impressed by watching a webinar named "Photoshop for Post-Rendered Work(http://software.asgvis.com/images/su..._Photoshop.wmv)"
was awesome!!
but when i try to render scene,
i couldn't export images specific material marked. :'(
whatever, i watched a wabinar about Z-depth and
now i understand what is z-depth channel and how to use it.
i got a hint that 'VFB channels' at option window are the magic spell!
1. Can't i export a channel that same material is marked by same color? (i think it's available at vfm...)
2. Can't i export edges in render scene?
3. Can't i export all selected channels in one image file? (png? exr? tga? ... or something)