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how to render a background

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  • how to render a background

    Hello I want to know how I can set a background image for sky I set it in Environment>Bg but it doesnt show or it it showes it is not clear...I think problem is with my backgrount too..can you explain how to I set a BG image and where I can fnd good sky backgrouns...

    my secound problem is with lights...I cant set lighets and when I set them they doesnt show..I doesnt cheket hiden lights in gneral tab in options..I think I must first put a rictanguledlight and then I put other lights..right?
    thanks for your help and sorry for my bad English

  • #2
    I made a video showing how to combine the sun with the HDRI and I think this video can help you to understand how to use a HDRI on the BG color. The most common issue with an image on the BG color is that if you use the physical camera, this will reduce drastically the exposure (brightness) of your image. The solution is increase the multiplier of the image. Also you have to use UVWGenEnvironment as your mapping type. You can not use planar projection on the BG color. If you want to use a planer image it is better to make a plane surface on Sketchup and apply a material with the desired background image. Another workflow is apply the background image in post process using photoshop or any other photo editing software.
    The problem with the lights could be the physical camera as well. Try to increase the multiplier of the light until you see the light effect.



    • #3
      Originally posted by fpedrogo View Post
      I made a video showing how to combine the sun with the HDRI and I think this video can help you to understand how to use a HDRI on the BG color. The most common issue with an image on the BG color is that if you use the physical camera, this will reduce drastically the exposure (brightness) of your image. The solution is increase the multiplier of the image. Also you have to use UVWGenEnvironment as your mapping type. You can not use planar projection on the BG color. If you want to use a planer image it is better to make a plane surface on Sketchup and apply a material with the desired background image. Another workflow is apply the background image in post process using photoshop or any other photo editing software.
      The problem with the lights could be the physical camera as well. Try to increase the multiplier of the light until you see the light effect.

      Hi my friend thanks for your help..
      I have a question..where I can increase multiper of image?in camera settings?if I increase it rendering time will increase,am I right?


      • #4
        I found that you uses two hdri image for bg color I cant found a day sky HDRI file can you help me how to find this files..I googled but I found only one HDRI and cant find blure HDRI

        I have another question..In my renders skys light are too much and they will become too light how that I can decrease light

        (above render Is befor I learn to use HDRI..Its to bright)


        • #5
          Hi my friend thanks for your help..
          I have a question..where I can increase multiper of image?in camera settings?if I increase it rendering time will increase,am I right?
          Outside the texture editor and between the BG color and the "M" you will find the multiplier.
          Click image for larger version

Name:	multiplier.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	94.2 KB
ID:	844233


          • #6
            I found that you uses two hdri image for bg color I cant found a day sky HDRI file can you help me how to find this files..I googled but I found only one HDRI and cant find blure HDRI
            Open the HDRI in photoshop, reduce the sice to 512 by 256 and add Gaussian Blur filter.

            I have another question..In my renders skys light are too much and they will become too light how that I can decrease light
            I usually use the physical camera parameters (Shutter Speed, F-Number or Film speed) to control the exposure of the sun, but if you want you can also reduce or increase the intensity of the sun inside the sun options.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	sun_intensity.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	89.2 KB
ID:	844234


            • #7
              thanks dear
              But I cant see your images..can you please upload them in a image upload center?
              Thanks a lot for your help


              • #8
                Here are the images
                Click image for larger version

Name:	sunintensity.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	64.6 KB
ID:	844240
                Click image for larger version

Name:	multiplier.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	74.6 KB
ID:	844241


                • #9
                  I cant see attechments why?It says I havent right to see them


                  • #10
                    I have another question...If i have many materials in my seance soes it effect on vray and causes it cant render?


                    • #11
                      I have another question...If i have many materials in my seance soes it effect on vray and causes it cant render?
                      Yes, corrupted materials or textures can cause that your render don't start.


                      • #12
                        thanks man
                        Can you help me how to find good HDRI files for day sky?
                        I gave rendered a sence..what can I do that it looks better?


                        • #13
                          The background don't produce illumination, so you could use a regular 360 panoramic image for it. Anyway, here is some link to download HDRI.






                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fpedrogo View Post
                            The background don't produce illumination, so you could use a regular 360 panoramic image for it. Anyway, here is some link to download HDRI.




                            thanks a lot..But I thinked background effects on sence light I am wrong?


                            • #15
                              If you set the HDRI as the GI texture in the Environment render options, it will effect illumination. If you set the HDRI as the BG texture in the Environment render options, it will only effect reflections, not illumination.
                              Best regards,
                              Devin Kendig

                              Chaos Group

