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Which slot you put the Specular/Reflection Map?

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  • Which slot you put the Specular/Reflection Map?

    This still baffle me.. Which slot you put the Specular/Reflection Map? Is it in the Fresnel map (perp.o rparallel).. is it in the Filter Slot o9f the reflection layer (like how) flying architecture put it in their vismats.. What about the Reflection map slot ( toegether with bump, refraction, displacement) . what is the purpose of the reflection there? how about the refraction? GI and backgorund? how do you use these slots? what purpose? I know the purpose of bump and displaced map.. what about the 4 slots, what are their purpose?

  • #2
    I always put reflection map in the fresnel (perp. parallel). Filter slot is used to "tint" the reflection, so my opinion is that if you put there the reflection map, vray will use that map to color the reflection of the material. The other slots , near the bump, displacement etc, are used to overwrite the environmental reflection of that material . For example, if you have a background (any background) for the scene, and you don't want that one particular material to reflect that environment, you could use one of these slots to assign another environment just for himself (for example another HDRI map). I could be off , but this is my opinion about it.


    • #3
      Yep, like stefanq, I put reflection map in the fresnel (perp. parallel). Works for me, and I like the results.
      My experience was that when the version upgraded to the current version, then how these were set up seemed to change.
      Still - works fine now!
      vray 1.49.01


      • #4
        Stefanq and DCAULDWELL are right. The correct slot to place the Specular mapping is the Perpendicular mapping slot on the fresnel. In addition of this if you are going to use glossiness on the material, it is a good idea to use the same mapping on the reflection/refraction glossiness to control the blurriness of the material. This will produce a hyper realistic material.



        • #5
          good to know
          los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


          • #6
            that is what i do in the past putting in the perpendicular of the fresnel. On the other hand the workflow in max then baffled me. anyhow that is another great gem there fernando about putting the specmap also for the refraction and reflection layer.. i think there are just too many stuff there to offer. and thanks stefanq and david for pitching.. seems old guys are here.. Kwistein Biebel and stinkie.. wow sounds like the old days...


            • #7
              that is what i do in the past putting in the perpendicular of the fresnel. On the other hand the workflow in max then baffled me
              Yes, the 3DS Max workflow is little bit different. They place the specular mapping in the reflection slot, but then they enable the fresnel option. That is a simple check box. But at the end of the day is fresnel with a texture to control where they want more or less reflection depending of the texture color.



              • #8
                indeed that is why im confused between now the reflection slot near the bump/displaced in VFSU with the Reflection Tab in VRAY Max.. I thought they are the same. but yeah thanks for clarification...


                • #9
                  indeed that is why im confused between now the reflection slot near the bump/displaced in VFSU with the Reflection Tab in VRAY Max.. I thought they are the same. but yeah thanks for clarification...
                  The reflection, refraction, GI, Background slot on the Map area are to override the environment setting per material. But yes I get your point and it is a valid point.



                  • #10
                    I also usually put the "specular" map in the "parallel" Fresnel, but as the Friend Nomer I also questiond when seeing other settings, I´m more clarified
                    Thank you all!
                    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 975 Extreme Edit. 3.33GHz / 6.4GT/s 8Mb box / Motherboard Gigabyte GA-EX58-UDS / Asus GForce GTX275HDMI 896DD3 (12Gb) / Windows 7- 64bit / Sketchup 2013 / V-Ray

