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Mulitple V-Ray questions...

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  • Mulitple V-Ray questions...

    In an effort to maximize my understand with the functionality of v-ray its complexities, I've been using custom visopts downloaded from various websites to test different settings etc. Among many of the questions these are just the few I need help with.

    1. During the rendering process, you see the squares processing each image right, and sometimes they vary in size depending on quality, because the smaller squares take longer and vice versa. So which setting causes it to change the size of those squares.

    2. With the the default V-Ray settings, when I'm rendering I'm still able to gain access to the Rhino window and keep working, but with certain custom visopts, the Rhino window is locked and I'm forced to wait for the render to finish before I can go back to working. What option do I toggle to allow me to keep working while rendering?

    3. In the brief demo regarding the new dome light feature, I noticed the GI was toggled off in the environment tab. Is this standard when using a dome light, and does it make any difference? Could I also disable Reflection box as well, will that make any difference, and is it necessary? What is the prefer method done?

    I have so many more questions but there are the ones that kinda needed addressing the most. And thanks in advance...

  • #2
    Hey S_K_I,

    You have some good questions. Have you considered going through the V-Ray for Rhino manual (not for the new v1.5, but it's here Not to be annoying and I'm sure people on the forum can answer your questions, but you might find it more effective to go through the manual. Testing is great, asking questions is great, but I think the manual and the video tutorials ( are really the way to go when learning all the V-Ray settings.

    Just a suggestion, not to put aside your questions... which since I'm no expert I can't really answer anyway. Good luck and have fun!


    • #3
      1. Options->System->Render region division. X and Y set the render bucket size.
      2. Options->Global Switches->Batch Render. If this is checked, you will not be able to use Rhino while rendering.
      3. All depends on the look you are going for I guess. Is there an example of a render you want to be able to reproduce? The dome light is essentially the same has setting an HDRI to be used in the environment GI settings, with some added improvements like sharper shadows.
      Best regards,
      Devin Kendig

      Chaos Group


      • #4
        Hi ledisnomad,

        Yea I've gone through the v-ray manual from top to bottom and none of it addresses those questions, or as far as I can tell it's not addressing it in the way to make me understand, which is the reason why I'm asking here. Secondly, that second link you put it I can't access because I'm not allowed full access to the website. And since my third question has to do with the beta version, there really isn't a manual for that yet.


        • #5
          dkendig, thank you thank you thank you sooooooo much. These things been bugging me forever and I'm so glad i can address them. You made my weekend brother...


          • #6
            Appologize one more time, and this will be my final question on this thread, forgive me :/...

            When I increased the resolution of one of my renders I forgot to to also increase the size of the min and max rate in my irradiance map and noticed no difference in the quality of the image. I tested it out again by increasing the values to see if there was any difference and I couldn't, not only that the render time was slightly shorter. Am I to assume that whenever I increase the resolution ( by at least half ) I can turn down the settings in my irradiance map with no negative impact in the quality? If so, can I do this other settings to increase render times?

