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V-ray for Rino 5.0/ distributed rendering

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  • V-ray for Rino 5.0/ distributed rendering

    Hello, in our studio all the computers are connected to a main server and what we would like to do is to utilise the option of V-ray distributed rendering to use different pc like slave machine, but we have problems to utilise correctly this option. We are using a version 1.5 of V-ray for Rhino 5.0. The path we follow to set the option is:

    ->V-Ray options -> system -> distributed rendering -> on -> hosts -> (i.p. adress of slave machine) -> ok

    Someone knows if is there any mistake in this process that we follow to set the option distributed rendering?

    Everytime we set this option the only thing that happens is that inside the "little boxes" that realise the render appears the name of the pc that is working, but the number of processor working on the render doesn't change. The slave machine must be turn on?

    Someone could help us?

    We tried also to turn off the firewall of the slave machine but nothing changed.

    Thank you so much.

  • #2
    is the DR spawner on the slave machines showing that it is receiving the scene from your host PC?
    emil mertzel

    Lookinglass Architecture and Design


    • #3
      devi assicurarti che su tutte le macchine sia attivo il DRSpawner, quella finestra nera che si apre all'avvio di Windows.

      Sorry for the italian answer, it's just the same as Fooprobe.


      • #4
        La finestra nera mi si dovrebbe aprire anche su questa nuova versione di V-ray? Ora mi viene il dubbio di nn averlo istallato, ma lo davo per scontato visto che posso impostare l'opzione distributed redndering dalla finestra di V-ray.


        • #5
          No. I'm going to try some different solutions and I'll write an other time if it's not going to work. Thanks.


          • #6
            La finestra nera non si apre piĆ¹ da sola, la devi aprire manualmente su tutti i computer cui vuoi distribuire il rendering.
            Ovviamente sul pc da cui lanci il rendering, quello con Rhino aperto, la finestra nera NON serve.


            Se hai problemi scrivimi direttamente, non farti scrupoli.

            Sorry for the non italian.


            • #7
              Grazie mille and congratulation for your italian!

