I´m new to this forum, so hello everyone...
I recently started working for a small company which uses Vray as its main render engine. Since my boss hasn´t had the time to set up a customer account for me on this forum yet, I´m posting here.
I´m currently working on a rather complex project, an animation with dozens of shots containing both large exterior areas and zooms to very small details, as well as lots of vegetation and some character animation.
It has been a particular challenge organizing the whole project (almost everything is either xrefed or proxied) but even more so rendering it.
I kind of hit a dead end now trying to render the shots with animated objects.
I followed the tutorial over at mintviz following every step, except that I skipped the secondary GI solution (lightcache) in favor of faster renderings.
The problem I´m having now: After rendering a prepass for the irradiance map using "Animation prepass" mode, I tried rendering with "Animation Rendering" mode.
The first couple of frames went well, but then the render times suddenly started to increase dramatically over night (to a couple of hours per frame).
So far I´ve excluded netrendering Problems by copying the IRmap files to a local folder and rendering locally.
The problematic files also seem to render fine, if I just calculate the IRMap in "Single Frame" mode.
I haven´t touched the settings much, basically I just used the "medium animation" preset.
Since we´re on a tight deadline I just excluded the animated objects from GI for now and then I will have to fix the lighting difference in post.
I´m not sure I missed something, probably its a problem with my setup of the shots, but like I said: The shots are too complex do a error search from scratch, so I´d love to hear some ideas on what else I could have missed.
We´re on Vray 2.30.01, if that helps.
I´m new to this forum, so hello everyone...

I recently started working for a small company which uses Vray as its main render engine. Since my boss hasn´t had the time to set up a customer account for me on this forum yet, I´m posting here.
I´m currently working on a rather complex project, an animation with dozens of shots containing both large exterior areas and zooms to very small details, as well as lots of vegetation and some character animation.
It has been a particular challenge organizing the whole project (almost everything is either xrefed or proxied) but even more so rendering it.
I kind of hit a dead end now trying to render the shots with animated objects.
I followed the tutorial over at mintviz following every step, except that I skipped the secondary GI solution (lightcache) in favor of faster renderings.
The problem I´m having now: After rendering a prepass for the irradiance map using "Animation prepass" mode, I tried rendering with "Animation Rendering" mode.
The first couple of frames went well, but then the render times suddenly started to increase dramatically over night (to a couple of hours per frame).
So far I´ve excluded netrendering Problems by copying the IRmap files to a local folder and rendering locally.
The problematic files also seem to render fine, if I just calculate the IRMap in "Single Frame" mode.
I haven´t touched the settings much, basically I just used the "medium animation" preset.
Since we´re on a tight deadline I just excluded the animated objects from GI for now and then I will have to fix the lighting difference in post.
I´m not sure I missed something, probably its a problem with my setup of the shots, but like I said: The shots are too complex do a error search from scratch, so I´d love to hear some ideas on what else I could have missed.
We´re on Vray 2.30.01, if that helps.