I'm getting some noise on the shadow side of this grass hill I'm rendering. My Adaptive DMC is set to .014 and I'm using the Nederhorst settings. I'm using a Vray Sun/Sky as well as a dome light to bring the shadows up some. What do I need to adjust to get the noise to go away in the areas I am pointing to in this image? I originally thought it might be the Dome light Sampling Subdivisions (set to 8 now). But I did some single frame A/B tests I couldn't see much difference. The render passes we have seem to point to it being the Dome light but I'm stumped on what to adjust.
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Noisy Light
Did a test render overnight with Fixed Rate set to 10. The noise is much reduced. Are you asking to see my render settings or image files? I have some light select passes going and we noticed that the dome light one was noisier than the sunlight one. I just don't understand why the light subdivisions doesn't fix it.
Set min AA sampler to either 2 or 3. That should give it some clean up
Set the Dome light samples 2 or 3x higher.
Set Adaptive amount to 0.5 if above results didnt give good enought results.
Alternatively u can try Adaptive Subdivision with min 1 max 2 but then u have to re-edit ur light subd...
Hope this helps.