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Possibility of mixing liquids with different properties.

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  • Possibility of mixing liquids with different properties.

    Hello. Tell me please. How to make a simulation of two liquids that have different properties. For example cup of milk. In which is poured jam or honey.

    Or how to make two pieces of Phoenix source interact with each other.

  • #2
    phoenix can't simulate liquids with different properties, but in your case this is not needed, the honey/jam dominates, you have to simulate it firs with velocity exported, and then simulate the milk in a second simulator. just for convenience - always when you have two simulators, use include interaction mode to avoid the mess. so, for the milk simulator create a source and put in it the honey simulator, deselecting all the channels except the velocity. this will produce the needed push of the honey over the milk, this is all.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      I'm so sorry to bother you. But could you explain why I need to create a source of for milk. And why should disable for milk channel liquid.
      1) I have created a source and a simulator. Configure the settings for honey. Turned on channel velocity. Created as honey being poured into empty vessel.
      2) I have created a simulator №2. Place it inside the simulator with honey. And turned on InitialFillUp. I did not create a source for milk, so as not to understand what for.
      3) If I turn off all channels except Velocity, then nothing will happen.

      By the way when you're talking about "use include interaction mode to avoid the mess" you mean that I need to include the include list and add honey to intersastion.


      • #4
        you need the "source" not to work literally as source, but to transfer the velocity. phoenix can interact properly with animated velocity only when the vertex count remains the same, this is not true for phoenix mesh itself.
        so, to create proper interaction between the milk and the honey, we use the "source" trick, it works because the source makes difference between phoenix object and normal geometry, and when it is a phoenix object it reads the velocity channel and puts it into the simulation representation.
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          I understand, thank you!

          What if the fluid properties will be similar. Will only differ in color. Like blood and milk.
          Then I would not be able to use the two simulators.

          Is there any way to solve this problem?

          I tried to use the RGB channel. But then the function InitialFillUp does not work properly.


          • #6
            differ in material
            not only in color *


            • #7
              yes, we have a tutorial about this, it will be uploaded soon
              the initial fill does not affect the rgb channel, you have to use brush technique to fill the liquid, but the harder part is the rendering. there is a blend material, but it does not work good for transparent objects, it is surface based. in general mixing materials is hard. in our tutorial there is only different color of the materials, but actually the material is the same, just some parts of the material are mapped, for example the diffuse color. for real material mixing there is no common way, each situation need its special solution. for example if you need to mix water with milk, the milk must be rendered using smoke shader, not only surface based materials.
              VRScans developer

