I have a Scene with multible objects and several Material IDs. I'm using the IDs to generate multimatts in the Render-Elements.
But now I want to make an additional layer with all Material IDs in one Image.
I thought the "Surface Material ID" Output from the Sampler Info should do the job: (samplerInfo.vrayMtlIDTex)

I tried pluging it into a ExtraTex or straight into a Material Input but I can't get any Results.
The MaterialIDs and MultimatteIDs are defined in the Vray Material on the Object:

Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is this a Bug?
But now I want to make an additional layer with all Material IDs in one Image.
I thought the "Surface Material ID" Output from the Sampler Info should do the job: (samplerInfo.vrayMtlIDTex)

I tried pluging it into a ExtraTex or straight into a Material Input but I can't get any Results.
The MaterialIDs and MultimatteIDs are defined in the Vray Material on the Object:

Is there anything I'm doing wrong or is this a Bug?