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Phoenix FD and Deadline (via maxscript)

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  • Phoenix FD and Deadline (via maxscript)

    Hi guys, I hope i will find some help here.

    I'm trying to build a tool for autocaching and submitting Phoenix simulation to the farm using Deadline.
    I did a search on the forum but i still have some trouble with my script. ( I'm not an MAxscript Expert ...)
    The autocache part works great, phoenix is really easy to control via maxscript !

    Right Now when I'm sending the jobs, it just Load, and finish in like 1 minutes without sim anything.
    Drive are on network and i use deadline all the time so i'm pretty sure the problem isn't here.

    What Command do i need to use ? I read on the forum that i need to use the command A_wait but I don't know how to use it.

    Here is what i'm doing : ( simplified)

    -- Autocache if needed
    -- Loading Deadline Script
    -- Collect Phoenix grid as PFDgrp --

    for obj in ($ as array) do
    if classof obj == liquidsim or classof obj == firesmokesim do
    append PFDgrp obj

    rendSaveFile = false
    vr = renderers.current
    vr.output_saveRawFile =false
    vr.output_on = false

    -- the tricky part :
    if classof $ ==firesmokesim or classof $ ==liquidsim do

    A_startsim (PFDgrp[i])
    A_wait (PFDgrp[i]) --????
    --and that's all ??

    -- Sending the job to deadline.

    I hope all technical artist will enjoy my noob coding skills haha.
    I'm using the last PhoenixFD nightly

    BTW i found Phoenix really good ! Awesome piece of software ! i'm a happy new user.

    Website :

  • #2
    i think it should be A_startsim $ , because you are testing $ to be a simulator
    a_wait $ is needed only if you have more than one simulator, because you can't simulate multiple simulators simultaneously
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Thanks Ivaylo, i will give it a try !
      Good to know for the a_wait $ command
      Website :

