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Problem getting Vray to render a video within a scene

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  • Problem getting Vray to render a video within a scene

    I am new to this forum, and I hope someone can help me.
    I am a student trying to render a scene of animation in Maya 2016 with Vray with a video running in the background.
    I was able to render out the scene with Vray as individual frames BEFORE I included the video in the scene.
    The video was brought into Maya as a sequence of images (at first I used TGA images), attached onto a simple plane (through the checkerbox of diffuse color and with image sequence checked), and the video runs as it should when I play or scroll through the frames in the timeline.
    However, when I try to render the scene, either as a single frame image through the render window or as several frames through render settings, Vray cuts out at almost the very beginning and not even one frame gets rendered.
    I was told that since my animation takes place in front of the plane with the video on it, it would be better to render the scene with the video instead of trying to add it post render.
    I tried rendering when the plane was made from Vray material as well as plain lambert. I tried changing the format of the sequence of images from the video (TGA, Tiff, etc). But nothing seems to help and there is no clue as to why this isn't working. However, if I do a simple playblast with the video images included, there is no problem. The video runs like it should. So it seems like a Vray issue.
    I also tried to do a batch render but I got an error saying that Vray doesn't do batch rendering.

    Can anyone suggest what I can do to get this to work?
    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    Can you attach some example so we can get a better idea? What V-Ray and Maya versions are you using?
    Alex Yolov
    Product Manager
    V-Ray for Maya, Chaos Player


    • #3
      Thanks for trying to help!
      Actually, the problem has been solved and I am embarrassed to say that it turned out to be something very simple and rather silly. Even though Vray managed to render individual frames in the animation quite happily for the last few weeks, it decided suddenly that it didn't like that I had used a non-numerical, non-alphabetical character in the name of the folder. Once removed, Vray started happily rendering once again. How awkward!

      In any case, after rendering the animation as a sequence of images in exr format, I tried opening the sequence in After Effects and found that the animation, which was created at 25 frames per second, is quite a bit shorter than the sound that I had animated to and I cannot composite them together so they are in sync. I'm not sure if this is a problem with the way I rendered it in Vray or something else.
      Anyone know what went wrong or how I can fix this?
      Maya 2016
      Vray 3.1


      • #4

        After effects allows you to specify custom frame rate for your image sequence or video. Just do a Right click on your layer and choose Interpret footage. By default is should be 30.
        Maybe this will help?
        Tashko Zashev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Thank you for your reply!
          Unfortunately, it doesn't solve the problem or account for why the length of the sound is still considerably longer than the video made from the rendered frames. I did as you suggest and the sound is still longer. The weird thing is that the same sound was imported into Maya and the animation was achieved based on that same sound. That is where I am rendering from.


          • #6
            I haven't used AE for a long time, but changing the Frame rate to 25 should do the job. Do you get the image sequence extended if you set it to a lower value? For an example 20 or 15.
            Tashko Zashev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

