I have been searching every where, but could not find proper input about this expression.
setAttr("vraySettings.dmcs_random Seed",4321)
This goes into render setup- GUI mel/python callbacks - Pre render mel.
Just need to understand how it waorks and what it affects. I know it does something to the dmc pallet.
But could not understand which parameter it takes in count.
Please help me out with this.
Thanks and Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
+91 7069170051 (Also on Whatsapp)
SkypeID: vivek.lakhanpal15
I have been searching every where, but could not find proper input about this expression.
setAttr("vraySettings.dmcs_random Seed",4321)
This goes into render setup- GUI mel/python callbacks - Pre render mel.
Just need to understand how it waorks and what it affects. I know it does something to the dmc pallet.
But could not understand which parameter it takes in count.
Please help me out with this.
Thanks and Regards,
Vivek Lakhanpal
+91 7069170051 (Also on Whatsapp)
SkypeID: vivek.lakhanpal15