... that 3D rendering software companies are all run by George Soros because all any of these programs do is make the company owner, richer.
What is wrong with my ceiling????

SU Pro 2017 Vray 3 (no comments on the interior design please this is just a test render - I downloaded Vray this afternoon (26 April 2017)).
Any ideas to get me pointed in the right direction will be much appreciated.
I've viewed and read all of the Chaosgroup tutorials -- even the tutorials in bad-English -- no luck; I am having the same annoying ceiling result even when I follow every step in VRAY's tutorials. Global Illumination is NOT WORKING.
One would think that by 2017, someone could come up with a rendering add-on that makes rendering an interior, easy.
I'm not trying to do a 3D Art school project that has to look like a photo - it just has to be a reasonably clean illustration and spending days reading Chaosgroup tutorials/instructions from 2012, is beyond frustrating, and I shouldn't have to write and essay on every spec of my system or every setting in VRAY, just to create a simple lighted interior illustration that doesn't look like an 11-year old did it.
So, Started from scratch - created box, cut a hole in the side, added a portal light - changed the intensity from 30, to 5000 to 0, no effect on the interior, whatsoever. And before anyone gets all Einstein-ish - YES the light is enabled.
SO there must be a secret switch somewhere, burried in a place that s NOT obvious, that will get the portal light to actually do something?
Next, for fun, I added a VRAY infinite plane - applied VRAY grass to the infinite plane -- the infinite plane is unusually rectangular (like 1:4) and the grass is stretched and looks obviously wrong through the hole in the box in the render.
If you view the infinite plane in SketchUp, the material looks like it is supposed to.
Must be my computer, huh...
Win7 Pro SU2017, VRAY 3, i7 980, 24G memory, and Nvidia GTX 980...
What is wrong with my ceiling????

SU Pro 2017 Vray 3 (no comments on the interior design please this is just a test render - I downloaded Vray this afternoon (26 April 2017)).
Any ideas to get me pointed in the right direction will be much appreciated.
I've viewed and read all of the Chaosgroup tutorials -- even the tutorials in bad-English -- no luck; I am having the same annoying ceiling result even when I follow every step in VRAY's tutorials. Global Illumination is NOT WORKING.
One would think that by 2017, someone could come up with a rendering add-on that makes rendering an interior, easy.
I'm not trying to do a 3D Art school project that has to look like a photo - it just has to be a reasonably clean illustration and spending days reading Chaosgroup tutorials/instructions from 2012, is beyond frustrating, and I shouldn't have to write and essay on every spec of my system or every setting in VRAY, just to create a simple lighted interior illustration that doesn't look like an 11-year old did it.
So, Started from scratch - created box, cut a hole in the side, added a portal light - changed the intensity from 30, to 5000 to 0, no effect on the interior, whatsoever. And before anyone gets all Einstein-ish - YES the light is enabled.
SO there must be a secret switch somewhere, burried in a place that s NOT obvious, that will get the portal light to actually do something?
Next, for fun, I added a VRAY infinite plane - applied VRAY grass to the infinite plane -- the infinite plane is unusually rectangular (like 1:4) and the grass is stretched and looks obviously wrong through the hole in the box in the render.
If you view the infinite plane in SketchUp, the material looks like it is supposed to.
Must be my computer, huh...
Win7 Pro SU2017, VRAY 3, i7 980, 24G memory, and Nvidia GTX 980...