EDIT: You can pretty much ignore all this as I did not know Light Cache did not like the standard material. Redshift (and RT?) translates standard material to their shading system, so it works there. Anyways I'll just leave it, in case anyone is curious... Or - if you guys wanna delete this to not cause any confusion, that's fine.
The last two days I've done a lot of testing of mostly diffuse GI on flat shaders, testing V-Ray RT, V-Ray ADV, and Redshift. Would have posted this in members section, but I don't have access since this is just my personal account and not affiliated with my studio.
Before I show anything, please do know that I do NOT intend this to be a V-Ray VS Redshift "WHO IS THE BEST?"-type of thread, I really do not, but the images below do have render times in them.
Anyways, to save myself a lot of time, I will just copy + paste what I wrote elsewhere, below:
Did some tests of a simple interior without textures:
Apparently imgur compresses the images a bit, so you can download the images if you want raw files here:
You'll see that with vray BF+BF, I didn't want to spend anymore time after 5 minutes, but compared to Rs it's pretty similar, if you put your good eye to it.
Any images without redshift watermark is vray, sorry about the watermark.
New batch:
Consists of VRay RT, ADV with BF+BF 100 bounces, and RT settings (light is same as ADV).
Really strange how BF+LC 100 bounces is way brighter in ADV than in RT. And no, it's not due to the "GI depth" set to only 15 in the vray RT settings, LC has its own bounces setting.
With BF+LC/IPC 15 bounces, RT is pretty close to Redshift, but Redshift is more contrasty, mostly in corners, which might be tweakable in IPC.
Redshift is noisier also, which would have possibly made it a bit closer, as a noisy image is usually darker than a clean one. Since Rs is noisier, the rendering times are less useful also.
However, BF+LC 15 bounces again, but this time RT vs ADV, ADV is much brighter! I have no idea why. Was trying for a few minutes to go over settings, but couldn't find anything at all.
With BF+BF 15 bounces, RT very close to Redshift, but much like with LC/IPC, Rs has more contrast, which might be somewhat due to it being noisier. Also same as above, rendering times less useful of this reason.
Back to me! So, what do you guys think? It might explain why I've always liked to set Light Cache's multiplier to 0.85 or 0.9
That really does make the image seem a loot less washed out. Aaaand there I suddenly realized something: I did use just a standard material, does V-Ray ADV translate this native 3ds max material correctly? Is it safe to use it? Will test this tomorrow.
The last two days I've done a lot of testing of mostly diffuse GI on flat shaders, testing V-Ray RT, V-Ray ADV, and Redshift. Would have posted this in members section, but I don't have access since this is just my personal account and not affiliated with my studio.
Before I show anything, please do know that I do NOT intend this to be a V-Ray VS Redshift "WHO IS THE BEST?"-type of thread, I really do not, but the images below do have render times in them.
Anyways, to save myself a lot of time, I will just copy + paste what I wrote elsewhere, below:
Did some tests of a simple interior without textures:
Apparently imgur compresses the images a bit, so you can download the images if you want raw files here:
You'll see that with vray BF+BF, I didn't want to spend anymore time after 5 minutes, but compared to Rs it's pretty similar, if you put your good eye to it.
Any images without redshift watermark is vray, sorry about the watermark.
New batch:
Consists of VRay RT, ADV with BF+BF 100 bounces, and RT settings (light is same as ADV).
Really strange how BF+LC 100 bounces is way brighter in ADV than in RT. And no, it's not due to the "GI depth" set to only 15 in the vray RT settings, LC has its own bounces setting.
With BF+LC/IPC 15 bounces, RT is pretty close to Redshift, but Redshift is more contrasty, mostly in corners, which might be tweakable in IPC.
Redshift is noisier also, which would have possibly made it a bit closer, as a noisy image is usually darker than a clean one. Since Rs is noisier, the rendering times are less useful also.
However, BF+LC 15 bounces again, but this time RT vs ADV, ADV is much brighter! I have no idea why. Was trying for a few minutes to go over settings, but couldn't find anything at all.
With BF+BF 15 bounces, RT very close to Redshift, but much like with LC/IPC, Rs has more contrast, which might be somewhat due to it being noisier. Also same as above, rendering times less useful of this reason.
Back to me! So, what do you guys think? It might explain why I've always liked to set Light Cache's multiplier to 0.85 or 0.9
