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Mapping turns black after changing output size!!!

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  • Mapping turns black after changing output size!!!

    Hi all,

    Have anyone encountered, that when you change render size from
    320 x 240 to 640 x 480, some of the mappings for interior components
    would change from its diffuse colour to black? When at 320 x 240, all mappings would be ok.

    I have such a problem.
    Any ideas why it happens?

    I am using 1.09.03n
    The materials are a vraymat/bitmap in the diffuse,
    and vraymat/light grey colour with 15%reflectance.
    Colour mapping/HSV exponential

    Help appreciated.


  • #2
    I have had this problem with saved irradience maps but it has always been because an object has moved slightly after the map was saved. Are you sure you haven't moved or changed anything?

    Dan Brew


    • #3
      dont forget that with the demo your render settings revert to default when you save. so the autosave function of 3dsmax can cause your settings to reset.

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        Thanks guys for the reply.
        I did not move the objects. But I did re-apply the maps for that object.
        But in any case, I shoud reset the IRmap before re-render to resolve the problem, right?

        I checked, Max autosave was not on.

        Should the Advanced IRmap parameters be set to Multiframe Incremental, Add to current map, or Incremental add to current map?

        Thanks in advance

