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Vray swarm nodes not rendering

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  • Vray swarm nodes not rendering

    Please help.

    I have spent hours re-installing and configuring swarm on 2x extra PC's but cannot seem to get them to assist in the render.
    They seem to be connected ok. In the Swarm manager, they both have a status of 'Enabled'. When I start a render on the master the 2 nodes change from 'Enabled' to 'Assigned' but do not change to 'Render'. Also I can see in the License server that the 2 node licenses are not being used when rendering.
    - I've manually set the location of the license server during install of the nodes.
    - I've tried changing from 'auto-discovery' to manually entering the Master IP.
    - I've created a new tag and added all nodes to that tag. I've added the tag to Sketchup's asset editor.
    - there are no log files in the Appdata/roaming/Chaos Group folder.
    btw. what does the star in the hostname column mean? Sometimes is there and sometimes it's not.

  • #2

    The star next to a machine's name means it has been set as the Master node, which is used by Swarm for network monitoring. When Auto-discovery is turned on, the machine which can communicate with the greatest number of render nodes is elected as Master node.

    I am sorry to hear you've had such trouble using Swarm. Could you please send an email at and provide the following info:
    1. What version of V-Ray for SketchUp and V-Ray Swarm you are using.
    2. Does the issue occurs only with specific scenes?
    3. What do the slave machines' logs show when trying to render? You can access the logs by opening your browser and typing in the http:// [IP of the slave machine] followed by the swarm port number 24267 and "/log" at the end. For example,
    4. Does the issue occur when running Interactive Rendering for, let's say, 4-5 min? Are you machines connected via cable or wifi?
    5. Have you used any previous versions of V-Ray Swarm or V-Ray 3 for SketchUp?

    If you are unable to gather any of the requested info, simply mention that in the email instead and my colleagues will assist you.

    Kind regards,
    Last edited by Peter.Chaushev; 16-10-2017, 07:12 AM.
    Peter Chaushev
    V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


    • #3
      Thank you. Support was able to remote connect to my computer last night and fix the problem.
      The issue was missing Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 & 2010 files on the Node computers. Once these were installed we had to upload the Vray package from the 'Versions' menu. This process was not documented anywhere so I would have never known how to do this without support. Apparently, it's going to be added to the help documentation soon.


      • #4
        The VC++ Redistributables missing issue should be fixed in the latest build -
        Is that the SWARM build you're using?
        Ivan Slavchev


        Chaos Group


        • #5
          Thanks for this heads up about the standalone swarm. Hopefully this allows me to use DR successfully.


          • #6
            A V-Ray Swarm QuickStart video tutorial was recently released. You might find it useful:

            Kind regards,
            Peter Chaushev
            V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


            • #7
              I've been trying for hours to get the Swarm to work, but so far I haven't succeeded.
              I have Vray 3.6 + Swarm 1.4.1 installed on my local machine (> Renderbeestje) and Vray Swarm 1.4.1 on 1 node > Coolermaster (the same computer I used for distributed rendering with Vray 2).
              Both my machines have windows 10.

              I can see my computers in the Swarm interface, the start however appears on the node computer instead of my local machine, even when I use the local machine's IP in the network discovery.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Swarm UI.jpg
Views:	1330
Size:	138.3 KB
ID:	980298
              The node computer gets "assigned" as a status instead of "enabled".

              I've tried to look for the "upload package" thing but on the node those files aren't installed (since only Swarm was installed)

              What could be going on?

              Thanks! Sincere greetings, Sigrid
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Hello, Sigrid,

                The problem you are experiencing is due to the availability of render node licenses.
                I replied to the email you've sent regarding your png texture issue. Please follow up there.

                Kind regards,
                Peter Chaushev
                V-Ray for SketchUp | V-Ray for Rhino | Product Owner


                • #9
                  Hello, I initially posted a message because I couldn't get Swarm to work...
                  I've spent all afternoon on trying to get it to work and EUREKA now it does!

                  What helped? Uninstalling Vray and the license server from the nodes and then reinstalling Swarm standalone + latest license server. (I had to do it more than once, strangely)
                  I had to migrate to online licensing because the dongle wouldn't work on the nodes (don't know why!)

                  note: installing Swarm through the Vray for sketchup install file did not work. (asking to only install Swarm of course)

                  Then, for some reason, one of my nodes didn't get the "Vray Version" and one did automatically. I looked up the file on the other node and copied it onto the network so I could access it on the node.
                  Then I was able to upload the Vray Package onto the node. Without this it would still not work.

                  So a few grey hairs later... I can finally get back to work


                  Last edited by sigrid; 10-02-2018, 09:20 AM. Reason: Problem fixed... after half a day of trying :)


                  • #10
                    Having the licenses on a dongle means that 1 machine (the one with the dongle and the license server installed) will redistribute the licenses to the render nodes. For such setup to work you have to adjust the license settings on the computers with SWARM - and to make sure TCP port 30304 is not blocked in the nodes' firewalls for incoming and outgoing traffic.

                    Not transferring the build automatically can be caused by an antivirus that blocks extracting archives, received over the network, or by missing VC++ 2010 or 2015 redistributable packages in Windows (or some libraries in Linux). Another option is if you just need more time for the build to transfer - in that case when testing I like to send a render job to the specific computer and check is the build starts transferring in the log.

                    Regarding manually uploading the build - the easiest way is to browse in your browser from the machine with SketchUp and V-Ray installed to the address of the machine you want to upload to and browse to the build locally - http://IP_Address:24267/vray-versions
                    If there's an error it will be listed.
                    Ivan Slavchev


                    Chaos Group


                    • #11
                      Hello !
                      I can't get my swarm to work. Please help. vray 3.4 swarm 1.3.5
                      I see 4 nodes, but they are not working together. I see just one with the rendering status. I don't know how to do the proxy settings or anything else.
                      Thanks !


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tillo2015 View Post
                        Hello !
                        I can't get my swarm to work. Please help. vray 3.4 swarm 1.3.5
                        I see 4 nodes, but they are not working together. I see just one with the rendering status. I don't know how to do the proxy settings or anything else.
                        Thanks !
                        Please send us a mail at, including your license information (dongle SN or Chaos Group username).
                        Ivan Slavchev


                        Chaos Group

