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water explosion

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  • water explosion

    hi mr.katev.i've watched your video of liquid explosion simulation.i just wonder how to do that?

  • #2
    the link seems to be broken, is it this video? try with the attached scene, but i'm not sure if the result will be even close to the one in the video. it's possible that the scene is changed
    as i remember the scene setup is something like this: underwater non solid source producing high amount of water for short time, splash enabled, mist enabled with air effects enabled.
    the tricky part is the liquid->splach->mist chain, i.e. the birth/transform related settings. the splash droplets must remain alive long enough to produce these spikes, the mist must be significantly bigger in count, perhaps 1000-10 000 mist particles per splash particle.
    if the splash converts to mist too fast, there will be no spikes, if the conversion is too slow, the spikes will be too long and looking rather like a missile trial than mist spikes.

    edit: my link seems to be broken too, here is it without the "smart" features
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Ivaylo Katev; 24-10-2017, 12:48 AM.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      thank you,mr.katev

