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Fish For Life

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  • Fish For Life

    Hello Phoenix People,

    I am teaching animation production at an austrian university (FH Hagenberg) using Vray, helping them get their final diploma come to life.
    One very nice project of this years class is named "Fish for Life"

    I cannot show the animatic yet, but I am very positive it will get a good short.
    It is the story of a fisherman and a fish and there will be an big demand for open sea shots.

    I am trying to support them with the setup of the simulation and so I ran a first Phoenix test and I was totally amazed how fast and easy I got what I wanted.
    This little test one took 30minutes for setup and (dirty) simulation.
    Great hurray to the Phoenix presets.

    flat sea animatic and phoenix:

    Now I am want to run a test on the more complex scenes.
    Here the sea is not flat anymore, but we are in the middle of a thunderstorm.
    My preferred setup should be like this:
    big waves are as a poly plane with deformers
    only the area of the interaction with the boat/character is a simulation container
    so it should be the same setup with the flat sea preset, only the surrounding waves are not flat anymore.

    rough sea animatic and 3d anim (not sim):

    I just started to use the ocean setup of Phoenix and I still don't understand how the ocean preset works,
    that means I don't see how the ocean surrounding is created (no geo). I suppose it is connected to the sim?

    But anyhow this setup wouldn't serve for big waves.
    Here the task would be to connect the poly waves (with displacement driven by the ocean shader) to the sim container fluids

    Here a Maya scene of the boat in big poly waves and some guidance on how to continue would be highly appreciated:

    Thnx in advance

  • #2

    for this kind of big waves check the Ocean texture's Control by wind speed parameter and the Wave height. Quick preview the results using Pure Ocean option in Rendering roll-out menu. For more detailed horizon set Horizon Roughness to 1 and make sure you're using the latest 3.05 Phoenix version. Another way If you already have animated geometry for waves and want to use it - shell this geometry and add a Phoenix Body Force to it. It will stick the water to the wavy surface.

    More additional info:

    and info about Pure Ocean Mode


    • #3
      Thank you George for your fast answer
      could you just help me what you refer to as "shell this geometry"?


      • #4
        "shell this geometry" - to make it thicker/to add some thickness (like what Shell modifier does).


        • #5
          Ok i see - this is be a 3dsMax thing and I am in Maya.
          But this should be easy to do. Like this I can understand the idea (body force)


          • #6
            Hello ,

            I am just testing both setups:

            ? body force
            this work good for smaller objects like a logo, but for a big shape like a extruded plane (sea) I was not able to get the simulation under control
            perhaps my bad

            ? ocean texture
            also here I didn't get full control yet
            ocean texture is great, because it comes with a lot features built in.
            but I would have to tweak the OceanTexture until the waves are in the right shape, then place the boat into this setup and then run the simulation again to get the interaction (splash, foam)

            I already asked Veselina Zheleva from the Chaos Group Education Team, if we could get direct support with this setup.
            It would be really so great and helpful to see how you from ChaosGroup would set up this shot in Phoenix for Maya.
            (shot 240)

            the simulation doesn't have to be super fine detailed, as the render style will be stylised.
            Thank you so much in advance


            • #7

              "body force
              this work good for smaller objects like a logo, but for a big shape like a extruded plane (sea) I was not able to get the simulation under control
              perhaps my bad"

              Body Force must work at any king of scales. Maybe there's something in your setup. Can you screenshot you current settings or attach a scene with latest correction?

