The question of multipliers. If in the Diffuse color to set the multiplier value = 0.1 - the image is darkened, the multiplier reduces the brightness of the image. If in the Diffuse Color to set the multiplier value = 2 - the image appears brighter, the multiplier increases the brightness of the image. Why Rhino multiplier works, increases or decreases the brightness, and v-ray for 3ds max - the multiplier is the percentage between diffuse color and multiplier, that is, 20% Diffuse color + 80% texture map.
To increase or decrease the brightness of a texture map Color Correct, what if the multiplier increases, reduces the brightness of the texture?
There is a texture

Diffuse Multiplier = 0.1
Result Dark
Diffuse Multiplier = 2
Result Bright
To increase or decrease the brightness of a texture map Color Correct, what if the multiplier increases, reduces the brightness of the texture?
There is a texture
Diffuse Multiplier = 0.1
Result Dark
Diffuse Multiplier = 2
Result Bright