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V-Ray for Rhino Clipper Causes Material to Reflect Sky - How to Hide Reflection?

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  • V-Ray for Rhino Clipper Causes Material to Reflect Sky - How to Hide Reflection?


    Hello, I'm trying to make a cutaway diagram of this dorm studio apartment (1st image) , but the clipper (subtract) seems to cause reflective materials to reflect the sky material.

    For example, in the 1st image, the bathroom sink (to the far left) and the fridge (right of the closed wooden door) both reflect the sky as if the walls and ceilings were actually removed from the model.

    But I would like the reflective materials to act like they would if I had never clipped the model (i.e. reflect the interior, not the sky).

    I am able to turn off the sky in the Background parameter rollout, and that removes the reflections (because there is theoretically nothing to reflect), but that affects the realism of the sunlight coming through the windows to the far right.

    My apologies if this was already asked. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please?


    Sometimes when I use the clipper, the entire scene gets clipped out, so the render is empty. That's why I had to use V-Ray Interactive Render for the 3rd image (the left wall was clipped out). Why does this happen?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Hi naethewiz,

    You can disable Affect Lights and enable Camera Rays Only for the clipper

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Clipper_Options_01.png
Views:	373
Size:	12.1 KB
ID:	987919



    • #3
      Thank you so much, Konstantin! That was exactly the issue. I only had "Clip Light Geometry" enabled. Once I enabled "Camera Rays Only", the environment reflections went away.

      I also realized that some individual clipping planes were not linked to the V-Ray clipper. That is why some viewports created empty renders. So I had to make sure to link each clipper in the Properties Panel in whichever view I was in (Perspective, Top, Named Views, etc.). See the attached photo.

      Once again, thank you!

