while trying VRay for Sketchup I have came up with two improvements.
1. When I try to save material as .vrmat file it duplicates all textures into maps folder. This is very impractical as I use some textures from other Folder. Could you please add an option for vray not to create maps folder and duplicate textures. Actually I think you can make it default, I cannot imagine anyone would find arbitrary folder creation as user friendly.

2. In Vray for MODO you can set up ray traced rounded edges independent from normal and bump map. Correct me if I am wrong but Sketch up Vray can use only one bump or normal map at one time.

while trying VRay for Sketchup I have came up with two improvements.
1. When I try to save material as .vrmat file it duplicates all textures into maps folder. This is very impractical as I use some textures from other Folder. Could you please add an option for vray not to create maps folder and duplicate textures. Actually I think you can make it default, I cannot imagine anyone would find arbitrary folder creation as user friendly.
2. In Vray for MODO you can set up ray traced rounded edges independent from normal and bump map. Correct me if I am wrong but Sketch up Vray can use only one bump or normal map at one time.