I am optimizing a scene for animation. This is quite interesting what to find out trying different settings/ hdri and materials. First of all when I render the scene bright and beautiful the way it should be, it takes 13 min / frame inkl noisereduction. But when I lower lower ISO and render ot a darker image it takes only 7 min. After noise reduction and postprocessing it looks almost exactly the same.
Anyone else that is using this trick without any drawbacks / flickering ? Another interesting thing is how much changing Hdri:s can change the rendertime. Even Hdri from the same serie looking not too much different in renders... I got it down 30% by swithing... This´s hell of a rendertime saving in big animations altogether
Anyone else that is using this trick without any drawbacks / flickering ? Another interesting thing is how much changing Hdri:s can change the rendertime. Even Hdri from the same serie looking not too much different in renders... I got it down 30% by swithing... This´s hell of a rendertime saving in big animations altogether
