Im otimizing scenes for animations and render using Br / Lc universal settings. noise 0,02 and default denoise settings. Lc 300 Retrace 8. For now I´m getting flicker in kitchen door handles ( glossiness 0,9 fresnel reflection ) in an interior rendering with moving camera and objekt. Question is what will fix this ? First thought is that it needs more turbosmooth iterations and maybe a bit less shine. Could this help ? Unfortunately I can´t afford to boost rendertimes more. I´m looking for other tips ?
Im otimizing scenes for animations and render using Br / Lc universal settings. noise 0,02 and default denoise settings. Lc 300 Retrace 8. For now I´m getting flicker in kitchen door handles ( glossiness 0,9 fresnel reflection ) in an interior rendering with moving camera and objekt. Question is what will fix this ? First thought is that it needs more turbosmooth iterations and maybe a bit less shine. Could this help ? Unfortunately I can´t afford to boost rendertimes more. I´m looking for other tips ?