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About DR...

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  • About DR...

    I was just curious about how it really works, maybe someone knows.
    Does DR actually distributes all passes of the rendering process to the slaves (calculating lightmaps as well) or just the final one (the actual image rendering)?

    Thanks a lot.


  • #2
    ok. im not certain where vray stands now with the light map. however it didnt used to sent the light map calculation however it does distribute the calculation of irradiance map. For now the DR of the irradiance map can not be used for incremental add animations though. (for now)

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    • #3

      Hey Da-elf

      When I wrote lightmap, I was actually referring to all the GI methods, not only ligh cache or irradiation map... I wonder if when you said light map in your reply you were talking about the light cahe, were you? If so, it means that some methods are distributed and some not and the question now becomes: which methods are really distributed? And, from those, at what point are they distributed cause I would imagine that diffrent processor architectures would handle the buckets a bit differently and if I have a network with both AMDs, Xeons and Pentiums my final image would end up really messy, am I right?
      Besides that, I also wonder what method or combination of methods would be ideal for DR due to true distribution or not?

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts on it.



      • #4
        sorry. im old school with vray hehe. i meant lightcache which used to be called light map.
        as far as i know its just the irradiance map thats distributed. and as for the difference in PC's i havent noticed one yet. im running a dual opteron and a dual xeon and a dual AMD MP2400+

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