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Simulating Slidefilm with curves?

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  • Simulating Slidefilm with curves?

    I don't have a nikon digicam, but the way the ppl on that board are handling film simulating with using curves seems to be interresting ..even if i think it's impossible to simulate real film with digital images:

    now the idea:
    Why not adding presets for simulating real film to VRAY?

    Another Question i had since many Years: Why is no Renderer embedding Profiles to the renderoutput ..and which colorspace would be perfect?.. i don't think we should go with sRGB. or do all renderer uses the same colorspace and would have the same profiles? | - home of hdri knowledge

  • #2
    Film response curves implemented in Vray would be great... Anyway, using LWF and outputting to unclamped float, and then taking the results to your compositing software and using curves there would be quite the same, maybe a bit more of a hassle... So the main problem is to get real film response curves in a suited or recoverable format. So anyone out there interested in the same field, go ahead and post your curves or links!

    some of my favorites:
    and a classic

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    • #3

      I haven't read much about this yet. Thanks for the links. But wouldn't a classic LookUpTable be the right format to store film reponse curves?

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      • #4
        to me matching the response curves of real film material only makes sense under special circumstances:
        f.e. when you have to integrate cg elements into film shots - grain and color grading tools are already availlable for that type of tasks

        i think the sheer amount of different film types stems from the fact that photographers wanted to be able to achieve a certain look or needed film with special properties in order to use it under certain conditions (i.e. indoor film, infrared film, film that can be push develloped, fast film, low grain film etc)

        why would you want to limit your possibilities by "hard-coding" your renders to the look of a certain film material if you could get the same effect in post (where it belongs in my opinion)
        i guess most photographers would happily use similarly perfect material (say versatile, grainless, linear response, huge color gamut, huge brightness gamut) as we do and adjust the look in post production



        • #5
          why would you want to limit your possibilities by "hard-coding" your renders to the look of a certain film material if you could get the same effect in post (where it belongs in my opinion)
          When you can do it by embedding a profile it's not hardcoded.

          The fact that all renderer are basedon the same virtual colorspace doesn't mean that the rendering look the same, so why not adding a special layer of style to the rendering?

          The use of exposurecontroll is ,btw, a first but not a complete step of manipulating the colors, so why not use a custom responsecurve to?
 | - home of hdri knowledge


          • #6
            Originally posted by Dschaga
            The use of exposurecontroll is ,btw, a first but not a complete step of manipulating the colors, so why not use a custom responsecurve to?
            as is the gama correction and the LW
            i think this could be very usefuff...
            this would save a hell of time not going at all into photoshop and having an out-of-the-box ready render!
            Nuno de Castro

            00351 917593145

