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wysiwug in mat editor?

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  • wysiwug in mat editor?

    hi all,
    not sure if this has been posted before but I am doing an orange juice like material and what i am getting in the materials editor preview is almost like an inverse (colour wise) of what it renders out at, I think my pic will explain better, I am using fog and translucency? its just hard to get it right when working like this, I imagine it is the thickness/fog multiple value but is there any way to overcome this?any ideas?
    Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.

  • #2
    Heya tom - there's a method to getting a fog result based on object size - I'll write a wee tut so you get more predictable results.


    • #3
      Nice one John,
      that would be most helpful, its a real pain at the moment,

      Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


      • #4
        The problem here is that the sphere in the material editor has quite different scale than your actual object. Since the fog depends on the object's scale, the results may be very different.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          You can load your own object into the material editor- I wounder if that objects scale might be better than the sphere?


          • #6
            What I think is going on there in your example is that you are using coloured fog refracted through coloured glass. I Seem to remember this affecting the fog colour to is opposite. So if you tinted the refraction col. yellow, you would have to use puple-blue fog to add to that. Or in your example, your fog looks blue through the yellow refraction.
            Try keeping the refraction colour white (unless you allready are, in that case pretend you never read this).

            Could be I should stay of the glue though
            Signing out,

